Study at the Uppsala Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (UHGS)
Education at the Uppsala Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies takes place within the framework of an interdisciplinary Master's Programme in Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
Master's Programme in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
The Master's Programme in Holocaust and Genocide Studies is an internationally-oriented education programme that will enable you to understand and independently analyse genocide and other forms of mass violence in specific historical, political and cultural contexts. The education takes place in a markedly interdisciplinary environment that includes theoretical perspectives from a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. After completing the education, some of our former students have pursued an academic career, while others have progressed to employments in government administration, museums, diplomacy, the EU administration, or the private sector.
Registration for re-exam
You will have the opportunity to register for an exam re-take in case you did not pass a course. Re-exam periods are usually planned for the second half of August and January, and registration for an exam should be done with in the registration time slots indicated to the right. It is the student's responsibility to keep track of of deadlines and contact the programme director in order to register for a re-exam. You can sign up for two specific re-takes at a time. Students who have already received the grade pass (G) on a course are not eligibile for a re-take.
Next re-exam
- Registration period: 16-20 June
- Re-exam period: 21-29 August
Please note that the head teachers for each separate course will decide on deadlines and upload that information in Studium.
Deadlines for master thesis project
Register for thesis defence
17 April
Registration for thesis defence open on 10 April and closes on 17 April. You register by mail to the programme coordinator, please write "Registration for thesis defence in the heading".
Submission of thesis
19 May
Deadline for uploading of thesis in Studium.
29-30 May
Thesis defence.
Registration in DIVA
12 June
DiVA - The Digital Scientific Archive is Uppsala University's system for electronic publication and registration of works produced by researchers, teachers and students. DiVA is developed at the Uppsala University Library. Once your thesis has been approved, you register it in DiVA and inform the course administrator
when this has happened.
Next defence date
Autumn 2025
Defence registration deadline: 14 November
Hand in of thesis no later than 2 December
Defence date: 11-12 December
Regulations and rights
Demands you can make concerning your physical and psycho-social work environment.
You register by contacting the course administrator via

Cheating and plagiarism
What is cheating? Chapter 8, Section 1 of the Higher Education Ordinance states that "disciplinary action may be taken against students who... by prohibited aids or other means attempt to deceive during examinations or when academic work is otherwise assessed." The text of the law uses the term "deceive" to designate cheating and plagiarism (which is a form of cheating).
The teacher who suspects a deliberate attempt at deception shall inform the studies director as soon as possible. The teacher and director of studies together decide whether the matter should be pursued further.
Course coordination
Telephone: 018 - 471 1526
Fax: 018 - 471 23 63
Visiting address: Thunbergsvägen 3A
Postal address: Box 521, 751 20 Uppsala
Programme director
The programme director answers questions concerning the actual content of the master programme and its courses and may be contacted via email
Director of studies at the master level
Director of studies answers general questions about your studies and is responsible for legal matters (including those concerning basic level courses)
Office hours and contact
Student administration office hours are
Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday 09:30-11:30 and 13:30-14:30.
Appointments with the programme director and the director of studies should be scheduled via mail.
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