Finno-Ugric languages
At Uppsala University we carry out research and offer courses in a number of Finno-Ugric languages. We have courses in Estonian, Finnish, Saami and Hungarian at first and second cycle level. When you chose to study one of these languages at Uppsala University you get a solid education at an academic level, that gives you knowledge in the language, literature and the culture in the language area, including practical language proficiency. Knowledge in Estonian, Finnish, Saami and Hungarian can improve your opportunities in the labour market – both in Sweden and abroad – not least since all languages are spoken in the European Union.
Finno-Ugric languages have been taught at Uppsala University since the 1890's. Today the teaching goes hand in hand with our broad and varied research; our techers are reserchers as well. We offer courses from first cycle level to PhD studies. As a beginner you learn the basics of the language with emphasis on oral and written proficiency. You also get to familiarise yourself with the culture and society that the language is connected to. At a more advanced level the scholarly aspect becomes more prominent: You will study courses in linguistics and literature and write theses where you get to examine interesting issues.

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- Moderna språks studievägledning
- Moderna språks kursexpedition