Dynamic Quantum Matter


  • Period: 2019-01-01 – 2023-12-31
  • Funder: Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
  • Type of funding: Project Grant


Main applicant: Professor Alexander Balatsky, Stockholm University
Fellow applicants: Annica Black-Schaffer, Materials Theory, Emil Bergholtz (SU), Jens Bardarson (KTH), Stefano Bonetti (SU)
Project title: Dynamic Quantum Matter
Grant amount: 28 000 000 SEK during five years
Funder: Project grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Quantum dynamics as a material design principle is an emerging paradigm in condensed matter physics. The answers to basic questions about the nature of the orders, dynamics, coherence and dissipation of the Driven Quantum Matter are still unknown. With this proposal, we aim at addressing the most basic questions about the nature of the orders in the time domain of quantum mechanics, the emergence of entangled orders and the role of dissipation on quantum orders.

Our goal is to predict, engineer and probe non-equilibrium phases that have no equilibrium analogue. To accomplish these goals, we aim at (1) investigating external drivers that stabilize existing states by enhancing their robustness against noise and ultimately investigate the non-equilibrium states that do not have analogues in equilibrium, and (2) studying energy dissipation and localization that play fundamental roles in limiting and enabling non-equilibrium states. Our plan is to answer these questions using interdisciplinary approach of a team with broad skills. The team, comprised of proven leaders in the respective fields, both theorists (A. Balatsky, J. Bardarson, E. Bergholtz and A. Black-Schaffer) and experimentalist (S. Bonetti), has strong ongoing collaborations. We now seek to enhance the cross-theme links between two main topics. The theoretical efforts will be supported and driven by key experimental measurements using ultrafast, coherent photon probes with energies from the meV (THz) to keV (x-rays) range.

Our efforts are at the forefront of research in condensed matter physics, exploring unchartered territory at the fundamental temporal scales of quantum materials. By successfully addressing the grand challenges and cross-cutting directions of this proposal, DQM project will impact several fundamental and applied areas of science. Quite generally, we expect to define the science of dynamic quantum matter, by establishing new paradigms for treating quantum materials out of equilibrium.

