Uppsala Nurses' Home Foundation
The purpose of the Foundation is to support registered nurses - both professionally active and retired - who have received their basic education in Uppsala to become a registered nurse. The foundation also addresses nursing students at Uppsala University during their undergraduate training to become a registered nurse.
The objective of the Foundation is in part to:
- financially contribute to professionally active and retired nurses who are in need of economic support,
- offer scholarships to professionally active nurses involved in research, specialization, or in-service training within their field of nursing,
- financially contribute to nursing students who are in need of economical support,
- offer scholarships to nursing students.
The Foundation was registered by County Administrative Board in August 2017.
The Foundation asks that potential applicants refer to the Swedish website for further information on application procedures and documents. The reason being that applicants are required to master the Swedish language in order to work as a professional, registered nurse or to be admitted to nursing education in Sweden.
The board of the Foundation
Kerstin Rollman, Chairman of the Board
Lena Källgren Rommel
Ewa Wallin
Birgitta Jakobsson Larsson
Kerstin Genell
Contact details of the Foundation
Address: Stiftelsen Uppsala sjuksköterskehem, Box 564, 751 22 UPPSALA
Email: stiftelsenush@pubcare.uu.se
Organisation number: 802480–2723
Foundation number: 1027 824