New technology platform launched at SciLifeLab in Uppsala
An advanced chip that swiftly and with extremely high sensitivity can measure 92 different tumour proteins from 92 different patients is now available at SciLifeLab in Uppsala. The new technology will become an important resource for researchers and companies developing diagnostics for different illnesses.
An advanced chip that swiftly and with extremely high sensitivity can measure 92 different tumour proteins from 92 different patients is now available at SciLifeLab in Uppsala. The new technology will become an important resource for researchers and companies developing diagnostics for different illnesses.
“In the first step the technology will primarily be used for studies concerning tumour biology and cancer, but during spring it will be expanded with a chip for the cardiovascular area. We also plan to add corresponding chips aimed at for example inflammatory diseases and diabetes”, says Agneta Siegbahn, Professor and head of the UCR laboratory and the new platform.
The investment in this Clinical Proteomic Facility at SciLifeLab is done in collaboration with the internationally recognized and accredited laboratory at Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR), a collaboration between Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital. By combining this advanced molecular research tool with the experience of handling large amounts of samples the resource becomes very efficient. The advantage of the new analysis tool is that it measures a large number of biomarkers, i.e. proteins, swiftly and with high sensitivity and specificity. This makes it possible to detect very low concentrations of a disease-related protein in the blood or plasma of many patients simultaneously. Individual proteins can also be studied.
“Another important advantage is that you only need a small volume of liquid for the analysis, only a drop compared to a couple of millilitres with other common techniques”, says Agneta Siegbahn.
Researchers all across the country will now be able to benefit from the new technology at a low cost. The interest in proteins as biomarkers of disease is great since they can be used to develop methods for diagnosis long before tissues are destroyed by disease such as Alzheimer’s or cancer.
The analyses can be performed on all types of body fluids such as blood, plasma, cerebrospinal fluids and other biological materials including cells and tissue.
“We will also offer consultation in study design and statistical data analyses”, says Masood Kamali-Moghaddam at SciLifeLab, Uppsala University.
The facility is located together with the UCR laboratory at the Uppsala University Hospital.
For more information, please contact:
Agneta Siegbahn, +46 70 425 06 66, e-mail:
Masood Kamali-Moghaddam, +46 18 471 44 54, e-mail: