Within ANItA, we will initially work on fourteen projects that are staffed with doctoral students, postdocs as well as supervisors and researchers from academia and industry.
The projects, which will start in 2023, cover a wide range of both technical and non-technical disciplines. The projects are designed in such a way that they each focus on the aspects of SMR technology (small modular reactors) that today exhibit knowledge gaps. Taken together, the results from the projects constitute a body of knowledge that is well suited as a basis for society to be able to make knowledge-based decisions regarding the introduction of SMR technology in Sweden.
Projects within ANItA
SMR technologies and applications
- Sweden’s future power and energy production scenarios
- SMR designs suitable for Sweden’s future electric power production needs
- Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems
- Nuclear heat production systems
SMR-specific core, fuel, and operation
- Fuel assembly and core design optimization for SMRs
- Core monitoring techniques
- Fuel performance studies supporting SMR utilization
SMR-specific reactor safety and safety systems
- Design basis and beyond design basis scenarios, passive safety systems
- Optimised chemistry for LWR SMRs
- Structural material issues
Fuel cycles
- Recycling of spent nuclear fuel
- Non-proliferation and nuclear safeguards
Deployment of new nuclear technology in Sweden
- Implementation of SMRs - effects of serial production on management of plant projects
- Regulatory perspectives and licensing