Biophysics mission
The biophysics network at Uppsala University is a cross disciplinary effort to strengthen biophysics at our university. The network spans over four departments: Physics and Astronomy, Cell and Molecular Biology, Chemistry BMC and Materials Science and Engineering.
Much of our research is focused around determining structure and dynamics of biological systems using a combination of X-ray imaging, spectroscopy, cryo-EM and simulations, and studying the X-ray interaction with biologically relevant matter.
The network includes more than 25 members across the four departments and we interact by weekly meetings, workshops and seminars. This has lead to several common research projects, shared PhD students and grants.

Master's Programme in Biophysics
Within the network we developed and coordinate the Master's Programme in Biophysics. The programme is open for international and national students with a Bachelor in physics, biology or chemistry, that are interested in biophysics.
By providing a Master's programme in biophysics for students with various backround we create the opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills by collaborating with each other across the traditional borders.
Master's Programme in Biophysics