Jonathan Adams
Jonathan Adams is project coordinator for “The Norse Perception of the World” and researcher and docent in the Department of Scandinavian Languages at Uppsala University. His research focuses on medieval East Norse philology, Birgittine literature, and the portrayal of Jews and Muslims in Old Danish and Old Swedish texts.
Recent books include:
- Revealing the Secrets of the Jews (De Gruyter, 2017)
- Fear and Loathing in the North (De Gruyter, 2015) both co-edited with C. Heß
- Østnordisk filologi (UJDS, 2015)
- The Revelations of St Birgitta (Brill, 2015)
- Faroese: A Language Course for Beginners (Stiðin, 2014), with H. Petersen
- The Jewish-Christian Encounter in Medieval Preaching (Routledge, 2014), co-edited with J. Hanska
- Displaced Texts (Svenska fornskriftsällskapet, 2008).
- He is co-editor of the journal Medieval Sermon Studies with R. Lützelschwab.
Alexandra Petrulevich
Alexandra Petrulevich is a researcher at Uppsala University and a place-name expert on the team of the Norse Perception of the World project. She defended her PhD thesis in May 2016 on Wendish place names and place-name variants in Knýtlinga saga. Alexandra has developed a theoretical framework that will underpin the data processing in the project, for the study of place names in medieval texts and post-medieval copies from a philological perspective. Her main research interests include onomastics, Old West and East Norse philology, language history, manuscript studies, and Digital Humanities, especially Spatial Humanities involving GIS. Together with Agnieszka Backman she is involved with the project’s work with social media. Alexandra is a coordinator of the GIS for Language Study network project (2017–2019) at the Faculty of Languages, Uppsala University.
GIS for Language Study network project
IT developers
Norse World has been developed by us and Jorunn Hartmann, Rasmus Ljungström and Andreas Lecerof at the IT Division, Uppsala University.
Former participants
Agnieszka Backman
Agnieszka Backman defended her PhD thesis in April 2017 on the materiality of the Old Swedish multi-text manuscript, Holm. D 3. Her research interests are Old Swedish philology, language history, manuscript studies, material culture, and Digital Humanities.
As a PhD student she was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University in the spring of 2014. In 2017 she attended the Linked Data workshop at the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School. She also managed the project’s social media presence. Agnieszka was employed by the project 2017–2019.
Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School
Simon Skovgaard Boeck
Simon Skovgaard Boeck has a PhD in Nordic Philology from the University of Copenhagen (2009). His research interests cover a wide range of fields: dictionaries, onomastics, proverbs, Old Danish language, medieval medical, legal and religious texts, palaeography and codicology. He has published articles on sixteenth-century Danish vocabularies, on word formation, on place names in a seventeenth-century dictionary, and on a medieval bookbinding as well as a vast number of scholarly editions of Old Danish texts. He is member of the Society for Danish Language and Literature, treasurer for Universitets-Jubilæets danske Samfund, and editor of the periodical Danske Studier. Simon was employed by the project 2017–2020.
Society for Danish Language and Literature
Universitets-Jubilæets danske Samfund
Alexia-Nadina Hrenyak
Alexia-Nadina Hrenyak is a MA student at the Department of ALM at Uppsala University specializing in digital humanities. Alexia-Nadina Hrenyak did her internship at the Norse World project autumn term 2021.
Jessica Holmlund
Jessica Holmlund is a MA student at the Department of Scandinavian Languages at Uppsala University, currently writing a thesis on the syntax of reported speech in Old Swedish and Early Modern Swedish. Although specializing in language history, her main research interest is grammatical variation and change in Scandinavian languages, primarily Swedish and Icelandic.
Felix Marklund
Felix Marklund is MA in Scandinavian languages, with an interest in historical linguistics in general, especially Scandinavian languages and dialects.