3. Enhanced PV Systems
Increasingly, PV is just a part of a more complex energy system within a house, building or district, which performs multiple energy services (e.g. heating, air conditioning, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, load shifting) as well as participating as a prosumer in the electricity markets. Such systems need to be optimised whether they are purpose-built or retrofitted, to interact positively with the economic and environmental perspectives of the building e.g. energy certification. SOLVE will provide research on optimal system design and real time, data-driven management to maximise economic return, to control power distribution, to couple with battery/hydrogen storages and to perform usage/production predictions for the end user. Such outputs can underpin new system-level solutions for improved functionality, flexibility, transparency and economic return for the prosumer.
Theme Leaders
Projects in Theme 3
Below, you can find projects in this theme. You can also learn more about our PhD students' projects by following this link.
PhD project: Optimal planning of large-scale solar energy in the built environment
A joint project of Theme3. Enhanced PV systems and Theme 6. Planning for large-scale expansion
The project is about developing mathematical, statistical and machine learning methods to optimize the use of solar power in combination with e.g. battery storage, charging of electric vehicles, heat pump systems and ancillary services to the electricity grid. In addition to this, the work involves developing and applying methods for optimal location and sizing of solar parks, given boundary conditions such as an alternative land use and the hosting capacity of the electricity distribution network.
PhD project: Optimization of PV system at district level by considering energy storage, EV charging, district control and energy predictions (Dalarna, Uppsala, Karlstad)
We study how small-scale solar electricity generation can be integrated with the local energy systems at urban district/neighbourhood level using energy sharing between buildings and the electricity grid, as well as with other neighbourhoods.
PhD project: Planning and system integration of solar power (Uppsala, Dalarna, Karlstad)
The PhD candidate will work on developing mathematical, statistical and machine learning methods for optimizing large-scale solar power utilization in local energy systems and electricity grids.
Master thesis: Evaluation of a Minute Synthesis Irradiation Model for the FCR-D down-regulation market, Darlana University and CheckWatt AB
The thesis work will evaluate the accuracy of predictions of solar irradiance and thus PV output on a meteorological day-ahead forecast. The aim is to optimize earnings by maximizing the FCR-D downwards bid.
Key theme partners
Region Uppsala, Region Dalarna, CTEK, Glava Energy Centre, CheckWatt, Vattenfall, Svenska kyrkan, Air by Solar, Kraftpojkarna