Rules of Procedure for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology


Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology

Disciplinary domains

Uppsala University’s operations are organised into the following disciplinary domains:

  • Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy
  • Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology

The Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology consists of the following faculty:

  • Faculty of Science and Technology

Departments and Sections

The disciplinary domain, also the faculty, is organised into thirteen departments that belong to one of six sections. The sections do not form part of the management hierarchy.


Biology Education Centre

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology

Department of Ecology and Genetics

Department of Organismal Biology

Biology Section

Department of Chemistry – BMC

Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory

Chemistry Section

Department of Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences Section

Department of Information Technology Department of Mathematics

Mathematics and Computer Science Section

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Physics Section

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering

Technology Section

According to Uppsala University's rules of procedure (UFV 2017/95), a department is headed by a head of department and a department board. The prefect is the head of the department and chair of the department board. The head of department has a deputy head of department who is the vice chair of the board. The deputy head of department serves in place of the head of department when he or she is not in service and replaces the head of department in other respects in the extent determined by the head of department. The head of department and deputy head of department are appointed by the vice-rector. The department may appoint an assistant head of department with responsibility for a subject area, e.g. education/research/infrastructure. At the Faculty of Science and Technology, the term "head of division" is used as a designation of first-line managers with delegated staff responsibility for employees within a defined organisational part of the organisation. "Organisational part" refers to the division/research programme level, not centres or other institutions within the organisation. Heads of division are appointed by the department and are normally directly subordinate to the head of department (the role of head of department can be combined with that of a professor responsible for the programme).

The administrative work of the department is usually coordinated by an administrative manager. The administrative manager normally has delegated responsibility for the working environment for the administrative staff at the department.

Center formations with own staff

Within the disciplinary domain, there are also centres with their own staff employed as decided by the vice-chancellor (see current operational plan). Managers for such centres with their own staff have, according to decision (UFV 2020/716), delegation that corresponds to that of a head of department. Where it is relevant with regard to the centre's mission, this Faculty Rules of Procedure applies for center formations (with its own employed staff), its manager and its center board in the same way as for a department, its head of department and its department board.

Terms of office

For assignments lasting multiple years, the term of office is three years with the possibility of two extensions of three years each, unless otherwise specified in these Rules of Procedure. For assignments that have not previously had a time limit, these limitations will apply as of 1 July 2020. In exceptional cases, the Disciplinary Domain Board can take decisions on individual deviations from this rule leading to longer terms of office.

Student representatives are appointed by the relevant student union for a term of office of maximum one year at a time, with the possibility of extension.


The delegations of the Disciplinary Domain Board shall be decided in a separate document.

Combining assignments at the disciplinary domain

The appropriateness of combining different assignments should be assessed restrictively. Normally, a maximum of 50% of a full-time position can be set aside for assignments decided upon by (or the decision delegated by) the Disciplinary Domain Board. The Disciplinary Domain Board may decide to divide up assignments that entail more than 50% of a full-time position between two people.

Equal opportunities and gender equality reminder

The equal opportunities perspective should be considered in all decision-making and at every level. Representation and participation in advisory and decision-making bodies should be promoted to ensure that diversity in relation to legal gender, background and experiences is taken into consideration.

An even gender distribution in leading positions should be sought, meaning that people of different genders should be nominated to advisory and decision-making bodies as far as possible. In collegial elections, where the ultimate decision is taken by a higher authority, normally at least one candidate of each legal gender should be nominated. When only one person is to be nominated to a board, one man and one woman must be put forward. Deviations from these nomination rules must be justified in writing.

Electoral Assembly

The University Board has decided that the members of the Disciplinary Domain Board, with the exception of students, are to be appointed via elections in an Electoral Assembly established by the disciplinary domain.

The Vice-Chancellor has resolved (UFV 2022/420) that the Electoral Assembly is to consist of 31 electors with personal alternates. The Electoral Assembly is to elect a chair, deputy chair and a nominating committee from among its members. The term of office of the Electoral Assembly runs from 15 September 2022 – 31 December 2025. The allocation of electors is conducted in proportion to the number of teachers in the sections, and has been determined as follows for this term:

  • Biology Section: 6 electors with 6 personal alternates
  • Chemistry Section: 4 electors with 4 personal alternates
  • Earth Sciences Section: 3 electors with 3 personal alternates
  • Mathematics and Computer Science Section: 6 electors with 6 personal alternates
  • Physics Section: 6 electors with 6 personal alternates
  • Technology Section: 6 electors with 6 personal alternates

The electoral assembly must submit to the Vice-Chancellor proposals for a chair (Vice-Rector) and vice-chair (Deputy Vice-Rector) of the Disciplinary Domain Board. The Electoral Assembly appoints nine faculty members and one external member to the Disciplinary Domain Board. The faculty members on the board are appointed to the following assignments:

  • Deputy Dean of Education and Chair of the Advisory Committee for Education
  • Deputy Dean of Research and Chair of the Advisory Committee for Research
  • Deputy Dean of Collaboration and Chair of the Advisory Committee for Collaboration
  • Section Dean of Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Section Dean of Physics
  • Section Dean of Technology
  • Section Dean of Chemistry
  • Section Dean of Biology
  • Section Dean of Earth Sciences

The Electoral Assembly also appoints 13 teachers with personal alternates to the Electoral College, which is the University’s permanent consultative assembly.

In addition, the Electoral Assembly must submit proposals to the Disciplinary Domain Board for:

  • Chair (N) of the Educational Board of Science (NUN)
  • Chair (T) of the Educational Board of Engineering (TUN)
  • Chair (F) of the Doctoral Education Board (FUN)
  • Chair, first deputy chair, second deputy chair, and one group alternate of the disciplinary domain’s Recruitment Committee (decision delegated to the Working Committee).
  • (one) faculty member of the Board of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

Disciplinary Domain Board (also Faculty Board)

The role of the Disciplinary Domain Board within each disciplinary domain is to (UFV 2017/95, Chapter 7):

  1. exercise overall responsibility for activities within the framework of the instructions issued by the University Board and the Vice-Chancellor;
  2. decide on the rules of procedure for the disciplinary domain;
  3. decide on the organisation and implementation of educational programmes and systematically assure, enhance and monitor their quality;
  4. decide on the organisation and quality of research;
  5. decide on the establishment and discontinuation of third-cycle subject areas;
  6. submit proposals or opinions to the Vice-Chancellor regarding the establishment and discontinuation of main fields of study and degree programmes;
  7. annually submit documentation to the Vice-Chancellor before the University Board decides on the distribution of resources between the disciplinary domains;
  8. annually draw up an operational plan for the disciplinary domain and decide on tasks and the distribution of resources between departments in the domain;
  9. submit documentation to the University’s annual report and annual budget input to the government;
  10. submit documentation to the Vice-Chancellor regarding the University’s long-term premises planning;
  11. annually submit proposals or opinions to the Vice-Chancellor regarding plans for talent recruitment, development and retention;
  12. decide on the employment profile for professors following consultation with the Vice-Chancellor;
  13. decide to initiate recruitment of professors; on the proposal of the Department Board
  14. submit proposals to the Vice-Chancellor to nominate an individual for a professorship;
  15. decide to initiate recruitment of senior lecturers/associate professors (universitetslektor) and associate senior lecturers/assistant professors (biträdande universitetslektor);
  16. decide to change the field of a senior lecturer/associate professor (universitetslektor), associate senior lecturer/assistant professor (biträdande universitetslektor) or research associate/assistant professor (forskarassistent);
  17. decide that an appointment as a research associate/assistant professor (forskarassistent) should be converted into an appointment as associate senior lecturer/assistant professor (biträdande universitetslektor);
  18. monitor students’ conditions of study and study environment and, where necessary, propose or take measures to improve these;
  19. communicate annual instructions for subject library activities;
  20. carry out elections to the department board whenever a new department is established.

The Disciplinary Domain Board may delegate its duties to academically qualified officials or to bodies where the majority of members are academically qualified, unless otherwise specifically provided. Above-named points 1−2, 6−13 and 16−19 may not be delegated.

Composition: The Vice-Chancellor has resolved (UFV 2019/203) that the Board for the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology is to consist of 15 members, of which 3 must be students, as of 1 July 2020. One of the student representatives is preferably a doctoral student.

The chair (Vice-Rector) of the Disciplinary Domain Board and the deputy chair (Deputy Vice-Rector) are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Electoral Assembly appoints nine faculty members and one external member to the Disciplinary Domain Board, see Section II. Members appointed by the students are appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Student Union Ordinance (2009:769).

The students may appoint a maximum of two group alternates with the right to attend and speak at meetings. Representatives of the staff organisations have the right to attend and speak at meetings.

The chair of the Recruitment Committee is co-opted to the Disciplinary Domain Board for matters concerning appointment of teachers or promotion.

The term of office of faculty members and the external member is three years as of 1 July 2020. The term of office of the chair and deputy chair is three years and may be renewed, though no more than twice and for no more than three years at a time (Rules of Procedure for Uppsala University, Chapter 7, Section 6).

The Disciplinary Domain Board is to meet at least three times per semester.

Working Committee

The tasks of the Working Committee are:

  • to determine matters delegated by the Disciplinary Domain Board’s delegation
  • to prepare matters for the meetings of the Disciplinary Domain Board.

Composition: Vice-Rector, Deputy Vice-Rector, Deputy Dean of Research, Deputy Dean of Education and Deputy Dean of Collaboration, as well as two student representatives with the right to attend and speak at meetings. Matters are determined in the presence of the faculty office’s administrator. Union representatives have the right to attend and speak at meetings following notification.

At meetings of the Working Committee, the Vice-Rector takes decisions after hearing from the

Committee’s members. Decisions by the Committee should be taken in a collegial and trusting spirit, with a consensus always being sought. If any member has a deviating opinion, this is to be noted in the minutes of the meeting.

In certain cases, the Disciplinary Domain Board has transferred decision-making powers by way of delegation to decision-making bodies or officials who are not directly subordinate to the board. If the intended decision cannot be taken at that level, the matter should be elevated to the next-highest level for a decision, and not directly to the Disciplinary Domain Board. If the decision-making procedure is not clear, the Working Committee is to determine the solution.

The Working Committee meets once weekly during semester time.

Deputy Vice-Rector

The deputy chair of the Disciplinary Domain Board also serves as Deputy Vice-Rector and Deputy Dean.

The Deputy Vice-Rector is the chair of the domain’s Equal Opportunities Committee and nominates two members to this Committee in advance of a decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board.

Deputy Dean of Education

The Deputy Dean of Education is appointed by the Electoral Assembly, is a member of the

Disciplinary Domain Board and chair of the Advisory Committee for Education. The Deputy Dean of Education collaborates on overarching matters with the Deputy Dean of Research and the Deputy Dean of Collaboration.

The Deputy Dean of Education represents the faculty’s programmes externally, presents reports to the Disciplinary Domain Board, and prepares matters concerning:

  • collaboration with the chairs of the three educational boards FUN, NUN and TUN;
  • forms of educational collaboration with other faculties and higher education institutions;
  • consultation with the chairs of NUN and TUN on recommendations for faculty and industry representatives on the respective educational boards and programme boards, and recommendations for programme directors and deputy programme directors,
  • consultation with departments on proposals for programme directors and deputy programme directors.
  • premises and infrastructure issues related to education;
  • matters involving doctoral education that require special decisions regarding issues to do with education, employment and – in consultation with the Deputy Dean of Research – funding.

The Deputy Dean of Education appoints members to the Subject Teacher Board following recommendations from the subject coordinators. In addition, the Deputy Dean of Education proposes:

  • chair of the Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status in advance of a decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • members (of which one is the chair) of the Council for Educational Development (TUR) in advance of a decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board.

Deputy Dean of Research

The Deputy Dean of Research is appointed by the Electoral Assembly, is a member of the

Disciplinary Domain Board and chair of the Advisory Committee for Research. The Deputy Dean of Research collaborates on overarching matters with the Deputy Dean of Education and the Deputy Dean of Collaboration.

The Deputy Dean of Research represents the faculty’s research activities externally, presents reports to the Disciplinary Domain Board and prepares matters concerning:

  • infrastructure and premises issues related to research, in close co-operation with the University's board for research infrastructure,
  • the forms of cooperation with other faculties and higher education institutions in research,
  • coordination of major research initiatives,
  • matters within doctoral education that require special decisions regarding funding issues.
  • collaboration with the chair of the Doctoral Education Board (FUN)..

In addition, the Deputy Dean of Research proposes:

  • chair of the Docentship Committee prior to a decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board.

Deputy Dean of Collaboration

TheDeputy Dean of Collaboration is appointed by the Electoral Assembly, is a memberof the Disciplinary Domain Board and chair of the Advisory Committee for Collaboration. The Deputy Dean of Collaboration collaborates on overarching matters with the Deputy Dean of Education and the Deputy Dean of Research.

The Deputy Dean of Collaboration represents the faculty’s collaboration activities externally, presents reports to the Disciplinary Domain Board and prepares matters concerning:

  • forms of collaboration with other faculties, higher education institutions, industry and society;
  • coordination of the faculty’s collaborations with other faculties, higher education institutions, industry and society;
  • national and international collaborative networks in innovation, visibility, innovation

strategies and contact with industry;

  • premises and infrastructure issues related to collaboration.

In addition to this, the Deputy Dean of Collaboration proposes:

  • chair of the Scholarships Committee in advance of a decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • two external members of the Advisory Committee for Collaboration in advance of a decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board.

Section Deans

The six section deans are appointed by the Electoral Assembly, are members of the Disciplinary Domain Board and each serve as dean of one of the faculty’s six sections. The duties of the section deans include:

  • promoting the overall development of the faculty in terms of education, research and collaboration;
  • promoting the development of the section by coordinating the heads of department of the section, subject representatives and members of the Advisory Committees for Education,

Research and Collaboration; working to ensure that the requisite information and preparatory procedures are in place for crosssectional matters.

  1. Section Deans appoint and propose members to boards, bodies and committees The section deans appoint:
  • seven subject coordinators, who are also members of the Advisory Committee for Education;
  • seven faculty members to the Advisory Committee for Research;
  • seven members to the Advisory Committee for Collaboration;

Prior to decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for by-elections, decisions by the Working Committee) the section deans propose:

  • one teacher from each section to be a member of the Scholarships Committee;
  • one professor from each section to be a member of the Docentship Committee;
  • one teacher from each section to be a member of the Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status;
  • one teacher from each section to be a member of the Doctoral Education Board, FUN.

Prior to of decisions by the Working Committee, the section deans propose

  • members/professors of the Celsius-Linnaeus Committee (one member per section, one of whom is also chairman)

Section deans propose professors responsible for doctoral education

Prior to decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee), the section deans proposeprofessors responsible for doctoral education

  • if necessary, delegation from the professor responsible for doctoral education to an assistant professor responsible for doctoral education (delegated to the Working Committee)

Section deans appoint and decide in conjunction with thesis defence


  • thesis defence examining committee (doctoral education), on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education;
  • chair and opponent/external reviewer for thesis defence (doctoral education), on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education;


  • on digital participation of the opponent/external reviewer and/or members of a thesis defence examining committee, on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education.

Section deans appoint and propose in connection with employment and promotion matters Appoint

  • experts and special experts to advise on the appointment of associate professors, assistant professors and adjunct associate professors, on the recommendation of the head of department;
  • experts for applications for promotion to associate professor, on the recommendation of the head of department;
  • expert for granting docent status, on the recommendation of the professor responsible for doctoral education.

Propose prior to decisions by the Working Committee

  • search groups for the appointment of professors,
  • experts and special experts to advise on the appointment of professors, adjunct professors and visiting professors, following consultation with the subject coordinator(s);
  • experts for applications for promotion to professor, following consultation with the subject coordinator(s);
  • two subject representatives as members of the Recruitment Committee for each individual section matter concerning appointment as professor, associate professor or assistant professor, as well as promotion to associate professor or professor:

o One of the subject representatives must be proposed as rapporteur to the Recruitment Committee for the matter in question. o If the section dean has a conflict of interest, the head of department proposes subject representatives and rapporteur.

  1. The section dean decides on the use of funds at the disposal of the section deans (section funds).

Professor responsible for research programmes

The disciplinary domain’s research is principally conducted within the framework of the research programmes established by the domain. Long-term funding is provided through the distribution of basic resources expressed as ‘faculty-funded research support’ (FFF) units.

There is a professor responsible for each research programme, see the current operational plan. The professor responsible for the research programme is to plan and carry out the activities on the basis of the resources placed at their disposal following a decision by the head of department and department board. The head of department may delegate responsibilities for staff, the work environment and finances to the professors responsible for the research programmes.

The professor responsible for the research programme is responsible, in a collegial spirit, for the following:

  • the organisation and quality of the research within the programme;
  • working to enable a strong research basis in first and second-cycle programmes;
  • contributing to the inclusion of the programme’s research in courses;
  • participating in discussions about the planning of doctoral education that concerns the

research programme, particularly with regard to resources for the implementation of this education and the capacity for supervision.

The duties of the professor responsible for the research programme also include:

  • being familiar with in the disciplinary domain’s operational plan and its Vision and goals (TEKNAT 2020/31);
  • participating in the disciplinary domain’s information and discussion meetings;
  • participating in the preparatory work of the relevant section; participating in the preparatory work of the relevant department.

The professor responsible for the research programme is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the relevant head of department. The head of department should consult the section dean. The assignment as professor responsible for the research programme can rotate among professors involved in the programme.

Terms of office are three years from 1 Jan 2021, but there is no limit to the number of terms of office. The terms of office are common to all professors responsible for research programmes.

Advisory Committee for Education

The duties of the Advisory Committee for Education are:

  • preparation of matters relating to education in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • preparation of operational planning for education, funding allocation and dimensioning in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • to follow up on and develop overarching principles for the disciplinary domain’s activities relating to quality, evaluation and its range of programmes, teacher recruitment, teaching and learning development and links to research and professional life within programmes;
  • to follow up on and develop overarching principles for the internationalisation of education and national and international collaborations;
  • to follow up on and submit proposals relating to premises and equipment, student and teacher services, student recruitment and visibility;
  • to appoint a member to the Advisory Committee for Collaboration;
  • collaboration on overarching matters with the Advisory Committee for Research and the Advisory Committee for Collaboration.

Composition: The Deputy Dean of Education serves as chair of the Advisory Committee for Education. The respective chairs of FUN, NUN and TUN as well as the subject coordinators – who are appointed by the section deans – are members of the Committee. Three student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) with one group alternate form part of the Advisory Committee for Education. One representative from the faculty’s Council for Educational Development (TUR) has the right to attend and speak at meetings.

The Advisory Committee for Education appoints one of its members as deputy chair. The Advisory

Committee for Education nominates two members of a different gender to the Equal Opportunities Committee. The Working Committee subsequently decides which of these is to become a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee, as well as the Advisory Committee for Education’s member with special responsibility for ensuring equal opportunities are considered in the work of the Committee.

Staff at the faculty office provide administrative support to the Advisory Committee for Education.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Advisory Committee for Research

The duties of the Advisory Committee for Research are:

  • preparation of research matters in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • preparation of operational planning for research, funding allocation and dimensioning in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • preparation, nomination and prioritisation of applications for research funding, prizes, etc.;
  • principles governing the recruitment of teachers at the faculty;
  • quality and evaluation, issues involving premises and infrastructure, national and international research projects;
  • to appoint a member to the Advisory Committee for Collaboration;
  • collaboration on overarching matters with the Advisory Committee for Education and the Advisory Committee for Collaboration.

Composition: The Deputy Dean of Research serves as chair of the Advisory Committee for Research. The chair of FUN is a member. One faculty member is appointed from each of the following by the section deans: Department of Information Technology, Department of Mathematics, Physics section, Technology section, Chemistry section, Biology section and Earth Sciences section. Three student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) form part of the Advisory Committee for Research.

The Advisory Committee for Research appoints one of its members as deputy chair. The Advisory

Committee for Research nominates two members of a different gender to the Equal Opportunities Committee. The Working Committee subsequently decides which of these is to become a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee, as well as the Advisory Committee for Research’s member with special responsibility for ensuring equal opportunities are considered in the work of the Committee. Staff at the faculty office provide administrative support to the Advisory Committee for Research.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Advisory Committee for Collaboration

The duties of the Advisory Committee for Collaboration are:

  • preparation of collaboration matters in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • principles governing the recruitment of teachers at the faculty;
  • quality and evaluation, issues involving premises and infrastructure, national and international collaborative projects;
  • collaboration on overarching matters with the Advisory Committee for Education and the Advisory Committee for Research.

Composition: The Deputy Dean of Collaboration is the chair of the Advisory Committee for Collaboration. One member is appointed by (and from) Uppsala University Innovation or The Innovation Partnership Office. One member is appointed by each of the Advisory Committees for Education and

Research. One member is appointed from each of the following by the section deans: Department of

Information Technology, Department of Mathematics, Physics section, Technology section, Chemistry section, Biology section and Earth Sciences section. A further two external members are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the Deputy Dean of

Collaboration. Two student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) form part of the Advisory Committee for Collaboration.

The Advisory Committee for Collaboration appoints one of its members as deputy chair. The

Advisory Committee for Collaboration nominates two members of a different gender to the Equal Opportunities Committee. The Working Committee subsequently decides which of these is to become a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee, as well as the Advisory Committee for Collaboration’s member with special responsibility for ensuring equal opportunities are considered in the work of the Committee. Staff at the faculty office provide administrative support to the Advisory Committee for Collaboration.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Recruitment Committee

According to the University’s Appointment Regulations (UFV 2019/1673), the Disciplinary Domain Board is to establish one or more recruitment groups to deal with matters concerning professorial appointments and teaching appointments for which a doctoral degree is required,. The disciplinary domain has established a Recruitment Committee tasked with managing:

  • matters concerning professorial appointments and teaching appointments for which a doctoral degree is required;
  • applications for promotion from assistant professor to associate professor, promotion from lecturer to associate professor and promotion to professor;
  • applications to be appointed as associate professor instead of lecturer and to be appointed as professor instead of associate professor.

The chair of the Committee is co-opted to the Disciplinary Domain Board for matters concerning appointment of teachers or promotion. Delegations in recruitment and promotion matters are specified in Disciplinary Domain delegations.

Composition: A presidium consisting of a chair, a first deputy chair (with special responsibility for ensuring equal treatment is upheld in matters being considered), a second deputy chair (with special responsibility for the assessment of teaching expertise) and one group alternate. The presidium is appointed by the Working Committee on the recommendation of the Electoral Assembly.

Two student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student), each with an alternate, form part of the Recruitment Committee. The Working Committee may appoint one or more group alternates with the right to attend and speak at meetings to the presidium.

There must be at least one man and one woman among the members of the presidium. The second deputy chair should be a distinguished university teacher, a specialist in subject teaching or an educationally skilful teacher. The first deputy chair is a member of the Equal Opportunities Committee.

Two subject representatives (of which one is a rapporteur) are appointed as members by the Working Committee for each individual matter on the recommendation of the relevant section dean. Among the subject representatives there must be at least one woman and at least one man, unless there are special grounds. Such reasons must be provided in writing by the section dean to the Disciplinary Domain Board's Working Committee to serve as a basis for decision.

The term of office for the chair is three years as of 1 January 2021. The term of office for the first and second deputy chairs is three years as of 1 January 2020. The term of office for group alternates is three years as of 1 January 2026. A deputy is elected for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.

Scholarships Committee

The tasks of the Scholarships Committee are:

  • to consider applications for scholarships and to decide upon/propose the award of scholarships according to the relevant statutes.

Composition: The chair is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the

Deputy Dean of Collaboration, and one teacher from each section is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for by-elections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the section deans. Two student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) form part of the Scholarships Committee.

The Scholarships Committee appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Equal Opportunities Committee

The tasks of the Equal Opportunities Committee are:

  • to bear overarching responsibility within the disciplinary domain for monitoring and evaluating efforts in support of equal opportunities;
  • to serve as the Disciplinary Domain Board’s consultation body;
  • to plan and execute equal opportunities measures;
  • to act as the steering group for the faculty’s mentoring programme, whose coordinators should report annually to the Committee on the progress of the programme;
  • to draft and follow up on domain-specific measures concerning equal opportunities.

Composition: The Deputy Vice-Rector is the chair. The Advisory Committees for Education, Research and Collaboration each propose two members of a different gender, after which the Working Committee decides on a member from each Advisory Committee. The first deputy chair of the Recruitment Committee is a member. A further two faculty members are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the Deputy Vice-Rector. Two student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) form part of the Equal Opportunities Committee.

The faculty’s equal opportunities coordinator for students is co-opted to the Committee, with the right to attend and speak at meetings. Union organisations may each appoint a representative with the right to attend and speak at meetings.

The Equal Opportunities Committee appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Docentship Committee

The tasks of the Docentship Committee are:

  • to develop proposals for criteria and guidelines for granting docent status at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology (guidelines adopted by the Disciplinary Domain Board);
  • to establish the procedures for managing matters before the Docentship Committee;
  • to decide on the granting of docent status.

Composition: The chair is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the

Deputy Dean of Research, and one professor from each section is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for by-elections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the section deans. Two student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) form part of the Docentship Committee.

The Docentship Committee appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status

The tasks of the Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status are:

  • to develop proposals for criteria and guidelines for the granting of distinguished university teacher status at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology (guidelines adopted by the Disciplinary Domain Board);
  • to draft instructions to applicants regarding the formulation of applicants’ teaching portfolios;
  • to establish the procedures for managing matters before the Board;
  • to appoint experts when considering granting distinguished university teacher status;
  • to decide on the granting of distinguished university teacher status.

Composition: The chair is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the

Deputy Dean of Education, and one teacher from each section is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for by-elections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the section deans. A majority of the members should themselves be designated distinguished university teachers. Three student representatives (of which two are preferably from first-cycle or second-cycle programmes and one is a doctoral student) form part of the board.

The Board for Granting Distinguished University Teacher Status appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Doctoral Education Board (FUN)

The tasks of the Doctoral Education Board are:

  • to prepare matters in advance of decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • to propose the establishment and discontinuance of a doctoral subject in advance of decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • prepare proposals for subject-specific parts of general study plans for decision by the Disciplinary Domain Board,
  • to establish revisions of subject-specific parts of general study plans upon delegation of authority from the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • propose suspension of admission to a doctoral subject, in advance of decision by the Working Committee;
  • to take decisions on credit transfers for mandatory courses in research ethics;
  • to establish the range of faculty-wide doctoral education courses and publish an online course catalogue;
  • to monitor work on individual study plans and completion;
  • to bear responsibility for general quality work;
  • to bear responsibility for information provided to professors responsible for doctoral education;
  • to ensure that the faculty’s supervisors are offered training;
  • to collaborate with the departments’ directors of doctoral education;
  • to collaborate with the Educational Board of Science (NUN) and the Educational Board of Engineering (TUN);
  • to collaborate with other faculties and higher education institutions.

Composition: The chair (F), one teacher from each section is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for by-elections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the section deans. Two student representatives (preferably doctoral students) form part of FUN.

The Doctoral Education Board appoints a deputy chair from among its members. The term of office for faculty members is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Chair of FUN

The chair (F) of the Doctoral Education Board is a member of the Advisory Committee for Research and Advisory Committee for Education. F is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the Electoral Assembly. In addition to leading the work of the Doctoral Education Board, the duties of the chair include:

  • collaborating with the Deputy Deans of Education and Research;
  • representing doctoral education in working groups, at the University and in national and international collaborations;
  • leading the development and organisation of doctoral education.

Other functions within doctoral education

For more detailed descriptions, see appendix 1.

Professor responsible for doctoral education

A professor responsible for doctoral education (FUAP) is appointed for each doctoral subject and specialisation. The FUAP is appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee) on the recommendation of the relevant section dean.

Terms of office are three years (and in total a maximum of nine years) as of 1 July 2021. The terms of office are common to all professors responsible for doctoral education. The assignment should rotate between professors active within the subject area.

Some of the tasks related to the FUAP can be delegated via written delegation to another professor within the same subject area. Delegation is decided by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee). The need for delegation must be justified. The areas of responsibility that may be delegated to any such assistant FUAP are limited, see appendix 1.

Supervisors – principal supervisor

At least two supervisors are to be appointed for each doctoral student by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the head of department). One of them is to be appointed as the principal supervisor.

Examiners in doctoral education

Examinations that form part of doctoral education are to be assessed in accordance with the grading system prescribed by the university. The grade is to be determined by a teacher specially nominated by the university – the examiner. Examiners for courses in doctoral education are appointed by the relevant head of department.

A thesis defence examining committee must be appointed separately for each individual doctoral thesis and decides on grades for the thesis.

The professor responsible for doctoral education, or another professor to whom this task is delegated, in consultation with the principal supervisor and the external examiner determines grade for a licentiate thesis. No one who is principal or assistant supervisor of the student may be an examiner. Director of doctoral education

Doctoral education is conducted in line with departments’ activities and under the responsibility of the head of department. To support heads of departments, the departments are to appoint a director of doctoral education.

Educational Board of Science and Educational Board of Engineering (NUN, TUN)

The tasks of both NUN and TUN are:

  • to initiate and contribute to the formulation of overall visions and plans, and to implement the Disciplinary Domain Board’s decisions on the long-term development of educational programmes and freestanding courses;
  • to monitor various aspects of quality in the education and individual programmes, take decisions on measures and procedures to improve quality, and report to the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • to take the initiative on matters concerning updates to teaching methods and examinations, study completion and results, student recruitment and marketing;
  • to take the initiative on general issues concerning national and international educational collaborations;
  • to structure and update programmes in response to internationalisation, research, and the needs of industry and society;
  • to formulate and revise goals for the respective programmes and follow up on those goals;
  • to monitor and support the work of the programme directors and programme boards and, where required, take decisions concerning their duties;
  • to prepare proposals for new educational programmes;
  • to establish new courses;
  • where necessary, to take decisions to revise syllabi, study plans and course syllabi for programmes and freestanding courses within the scope of each Educational Board (the Disciplinary Domain Board approves syllabi and study plans for newly established programmes; syllabus for freestanding course must have been approved by the programme board concerned;);
  • to appoint examiners;
  • to collaborate with other educational boards.

Composition of the Educational Board of Science (NUN):

Regular members: Chair (N), seven teachers, two industry representatives, five students. Alternates: Three teachers and three students.

Composition of the Educational Board of Engineering (TUN):

Regular members: Chair (T), six teachers, three industry representatives, five students. Alternates: Three teachers and three students.

Common to both NUN and TUN:

  • the faculty members should provide a broad representation of departments and subject areas in terms of each board’s educational responsibilities;
  • no faculty member is permitted to be a director of studies, a programme director or a subject coordinator;
  • at least one faculty member should have been appointed distinguished university teacher;
  • typically three minuted meetings are held per semester;
  • the faculty’s senior faculty administrators and one representative of the Council for Educational Development (TUR) with the right to speak at meetings participate in the meetings.

Faculty and industry representatives are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (for byelections, by the Working Committee) on the recommendation of N and T, following consultation with the Deputy Dean of Education. Each board appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2022.

Chairs of NUN and TUN

The chair (N) of the Educational Board of Science and chair (T) of the Educational Board of

Engineering are members of the Advisory Committee for Education. N and T are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the Electoral Assembly. In addition to leading the work of each Educational Board, the duties of the chair include:

  • collaborating with the Deputy Dean of Education;
  • proposing programme directors, and, if necessary, assistant programme directors, prior to decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board (proposals should be produced in consultation with the Deputy Dean of Education and subject coordinator(s)); o the point above does not apply to programme directors for the programmes for which a department is responsible;
  • proposing faculty and industry representatives for the programme board priorto decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board (proposals should be produced in consultation with programme directors, the Deputy Dean of Education and relevant subject coordinator(s)); o the point above does not apply to programme boards for the programmes for which a department is responsible;
  • proposing faculty and industry representatives for NUN and TUN, in consultation with the Deputy Dean of Education, prior to decisions by the Disciplinary Domain Board;
  • representing the programmes externally in each educational area;
  • representing the faculty in working groups etc., both at the University and in national and international collaborations;
  • leading and supporting programme directors in their work;
  • leading the development and organisation of first- and second-cycle programmes.

Programme boards

Each educational programme is to have a programme board led by a programme director. The principal tasks of the programme board are to strengthen the quality of the programme and to advance its development, as well as to function as an advisory body for the programme directors with regard to their duties.

Proposals for programme syllabi, study plans and new course syllabi for the programme should be considered by the programme board. The minutes are to state whether the programme board approves the proposals or not. The programme board takes decisions on the revision of course syllabi for programme-specific courses and approves the revision of programme-wide courses. The programme board concerned approves the syllabus for a freestanding course. The programme board participates in the work with educational evaluations according to the faculty model.

Programme boards for Bachelor’s programmes and foundation year programmes

Composition: Programme director, two-three teachers, one representative of industry, two students and one alternate for the students with the right to attend and speak at meetings.

Faculty and industry representatives are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee) on the recommendation of N and T, following consultation with the programme director, the Deputy Dean of Education and relevant subject coordinator(s).

Programme boards for second-cycle programmes

Composition: Programme director, two-three teachers, one representative of industry, two students and one alternate for the students with the right to attend and speak at meetings.

The department or domain is responsible for second-cycle programmes, in accordance with the current operational plan. In cases where the department is responsible for second-cycle programmes, the department board appoints the programme board on the recommendation of the subject coordinator after they have consulted the head of department and other relevant subject coordinator(s).

Programme boards for Bachelor’s level engineering programmes

Composition: Programme director, two teachers, one representative of industry, two students and one alternate for the students with the right to attend and speak at meetings.

Exceptions related to external collaborations:

  • One extra industry representative is appointed to the programme board for Nuclear engineering.
  • Two teachers from the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology and one teacher from the Faculty of Medicine are appointed to the programme board for Biomedical engineering.

Faculty and industry representatives are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee) on the recommendation of T, following consultation with the programme director, the Deputy Dean of Education and relevant subject coordinators.

Programme boards for Master’s level engineering programmes

Composition: Programme director, three teachers, one representative of industry, three students and one alternate for the students with the right to attend and speak at meetings.

Exceptions related to external collaborations:

  • Two teachers from Uppsala University and two teachers from (and appointed by) the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are appointed to the programme board for Energy systems engineering.
  • Two teachers from the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology and one teacher from the Faculty of Pharmacy are appointed to the programme board for Chemical engineering.
  • Two teachers from Uppsala University and one teacher from (and appointed by) the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are appointed to the programme board for Environmental and water engineering.
  • Three teachers from the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology and one teacher from the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences are appointed to the programme board for Sociotechnical systems engineering.

Faculty and industry representatives are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee) on the recommendation of T, following consultation with the programme director, the Deputy Dean of Education and relevant subject coordinators.

Common to all of the programme boards:

  • the programme director is the chair of the programme board;
  • no faculty member may also simultaneously serve as programme director for another programme, director of studies, or subject coordinator;
  • the possibility of appointing an alternate from industry with the right to attend and speak at meetings;
  • the programme boards can decide to co-opt additional members;
  • the programme boards have minuted meetings two-three times per semester;
  • the agenda is drafted by the programme director in consultation with the relevant senior faculty administrator;
  • relevant senior faculty administrators and study counsellors participate in the meetings;
  • where necessary, subject coordinators and schedulers are also summoned to meetings.

The faculty members should provide a broad representation of departments and subject areas on the programme board for each programme’s subject content.

Any assistant programme director appointed participates with the right to attend and speak.

For programme boards to which the Disciplinary Domain Board appoints the members, the term of office for faculty members and industry representatives is three years as of 1 January 2022.

For programme boards (second-cycle programmes) to which the department appoints the members, adjustment to terms of office in accordance with this principle can be made when the current term of office expires.

Programme directors

Each degree programme has a programme director who must be employed as a teacher but may not simultaneously serve as director of studies, subject coordinator, head of department or teacher member of another programme board. A person can be the programme director, or assistant programme director, for more than one programme.

The most important overarching task of the programme director is to monitor the quality of the programme from various perspectives, and to actively ensure its development and improvement. The programme director is to propose changes in consultation with the programme board, but also through other contact with students, teachers and departments. They should also be prepared to participate in working groups and similar in connection with their duties. The duties of the programme director are:

  • to serve as chair of the programme board;
  • to take responsibility for ensuring the goals of the programme are fulfilled and that relevant syllabi/study plans are followed;
  • to monitor that course syllabi are followed;
  • to take responsibility for evaluating the programme in line with the faculty’s model for educational evaluation;
  • to be responsible for ensuring that decisions taken by the Disciplinary Domain Board and the Educational Board are implemented in the programme;
  • to annually submit proposals – following consideration by the programme board – for the programme syllabus and study plan in advance of decisions taken by NUN and TUN;
  • to submit course content proposals for new courses, following consultation with the relevant directors of studies at departments responsible for the courses, the programme board and (if there are several main fields of study) subject coordinator(s);
  • to submit proposals for changes to current course syllabi, following consultation with the director of studies of the department responsible for the course and, where necessary, subject coordinator(s);
  • consulting with the directors of studies and subject coordinator(s) when a course is moved from one department to another;
  • to continuously evaluate the programme, for example by following up on course evaluations, programme surveys, alumni surveys, links to industry and internationalisation, and to take the initiative to develop and improve the programme;
  • to review the course evaluations of the previous period together with student representatives once per each period of teaching;
  • to monitor student recruitment, student completion and the labour market and, if required, initiate appropriate measures and updates to the programme;
  • to develop and update information about the programme for websites, participate in recruitment activities etc.;
  • to maintain contact with students and be available to solve problems and answer questions;
  • to be responsible for information on the choice of courses and specialisations;
  • to be responsible for ensuring that matters affecting students are managed in line with the

faculty’s and the University’s rules and guidelines concerning admission and reception of new students, transfer of credits, validation of competence, admission to later stages of programmes and to collaborate in these matters with study counsellors, programme administrator, directors of studies and senior faculty administrators;

  • to submit an annual report for the programme in consultation with the programme board, including reporting on how the funds at the programme’s disposal have been used

(submitted to TUN/NUN and to the relevant coordination committee);

  • to have contact with the faculty’s study counsellors, programme administrators and schedulers, teachers and directors of studies, as well as other programme directors.

Programme directors and, if necessary, assistant programme directors, with the exception of programmes under the direction of a department, are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of N and T after consultation with the Deputy Dean of Education and subject coordinator(s) (by-elections delegated to the Working Committee). In cases where a department is responsible for programmes, the department board appoints the programme director on the recommendation of the subject coordinator, after they have consulted the head of department and Deputy Dean of Education.

An assistant programme director can be appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board (delegated to the Working Committee) on the recommendation of N and T. ). In cases where a department is responsible for programmes, the department board appoints the assistant programme director on the recommendation of the subject coordinator, after her/his consultation with the head of department and Deputy Dean of Education. An assistant programme director must be employed as a teacher but may not simultaneously serve as director of studies, subject coordinator or head of department. The assistant director provides support to and collaborates with the programme director. The programme director bears ultimate responsibility for the programme and can delegate work duties to the assistant, though not self-evaluation during a programme evaluation or proposals for revision of a programme syllabus, including study plan.

Terms of office are reset from the point at which the current term of office ends, i.e. they become three years (and in total a maximum of nine years) as of 1 January 2022. The terms of office are common to all programme directors. For programme directors which a department appoints, adjustment to terms of office in accordance with this principle can be made when the current term of office expires.

Coordination committees

The coordination committees make no formal decisions. The main tasks of the committees are:

  • to serve as a forum for programme directors to exchange experiences and support each other;
  • to initiate – and propose in advance of NUN/TUN decisions – activities that promote the development and quality of the programmes;
  • to promote coordination and enhance preparations in advance of NUN/TUN decisions, particularly in terms of programme syllabi, study plans and course syllabi;
  • to provide a forum for information, discussion and collection of views on the programmes.

The coordination committee for Bachelor’s level science programmes coordinates the foundation year and the Bachelor’s programmes in science (see current operational plan). The coordination committee normally meets twice each semester. The chair of the Subject Teacher Board is invited to the meetings.

Members: N, Bachelor of Science programme and foundation year directors, three students. The chair is N, or the programme director appointed by N. The committee appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The coordination committee for Bachelor’s level engineering programmes coordinates the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in engineering and the Bachelor’s programmes in technology (see current operational plan). The coordination committee normally has three to four meetings per semester.

Members: T, programme director for each degree programme, three students. The chair is T, or the programme director appointed by T. The committee appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

The coordination committee for second-cycle programmes coordinates the faculty’s Master’s programmes and 60-credit Master’s programmes (see current operational plan). The coordination committee normally meets twice each semester.

Members: N, T, programme director for each degree programme, three students. T The chair is N or T, or the programme director appointed by them. The committee appoints a deputy chair from among its members.

Common to the coordination committees:

  • the agenda is drafted by the chair in consultation with the relevant senior faculty administrator;
  • minutes are taken at the meetings;
  • the faculty’s senior faculty administrators participate in the meetings;
  • where necessary, subject coordinators, directors of studies and representatives of TUR are also summoned to the meetings.

Subject coordinators

Subject coordinators are appointed for each section (Physics, Technology, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Sciences, and in the Mathematics and Computer Science Section, one for Mathematics and one for Computer Science). Subject coordinators are to be employed as teachers, serve as members in the Advisory Committee for Education and are summoned as required to, for example, meetings of the coordination committees and programme boards.

The subject coordinators are to:

  • coordinate first- and second-cycle programmes for the subject(s) offered in that section;
  • express opinions on the section’s main fields of study in courses at other sections;
  • serve as the subjects’ contact person for faculty management, the faculty office and programme directors in subject-specific issues, including the range of freestanding courses and distribution of resources for Bachelor’s and Master’s level education at the section;
  • submit an annual report for freestanding courses and contract education to NUN or TUN, respectively;
  • take responsibility for evaluating freestanding courses and contract education in line with the faculty’s model for educational evaluation;
  • express opinions on proposed new or moved courses in the proposals for programme/study syllabi that are handled by the educational boards. This refers to course syllabi where the proposal involves responsibility being placed with a department in the relevant subject coordinator(s)’ subject areas. A negative opinion should contain a justification in order for the educational board to be able to take a position on the issue.

The relevant subject coordinator(s) should:

  • consult with the section dean regarding experts and special experts to advise on the appointment of professors, adjunct professors and visiting professors, see Section IX;
  • consult with the section dean regarding experts for applications for promotion to professor, see Section IX;
  • consult with the chairs of NUN or TUN regarding proposals for programme directors and assistant programme directors, see Section XXIII;
  • consult with the chairs of NUN or TUN regarding proposals for faculty and industry representatives in programme boards, see Section XXIII;
  • to the department board propose members of the programme board (for programmes that the department is responsible for), after consultation with the head of department and other relevant subject coordinator(s), see Section XXIV;
  • consult with the programme director regarding course content proposals for new courses (if there are several main fields of study), see Section XXV;
  • when necessary, consult with the programme director regarding proposals for changes to current course syllabi, see Section XXV;
  • consult with the programme director when a course is moved from one department to another, see Section XXV;
  • in cases where a department is responsible for programmes, to the department board propose programme director, after consultation with the head of department and Deputy Dean of Education, see Section XXV;
  • propose faculty representatives for the Subject Teacher Board to the Deputy Dean, see Section XXVIII.

Subject coordinators are appointed by the section dean. The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

The Subject Teacher Board

Prospective subject teachers in technology and science subjects require special support. These students are often few in number and need an improved sense of belonging and group spirit in their joint studies, etc. The dialogue with the educational sciences part of the subject teachers’ programme also needs to be ensured, for example in terms of study guidance and mutual knowledge of each disciplinary domain.

The tasks of the disciplinary domain’s Subject Teacher Board are:

  • to approve programme/study syllabi;
  • to discuss course evaluations;
  • to review changes to course syllabi;
  • to discuss quality-enhancing measures relevant to the subject teacher’s programme.

Composition: One faculty representative and one study counsellor from Biology, Computer Sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics; study counsellors for subject teachers at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, one study counsellor from the Student Services Unit. Two student representatives sit on the Subject Teacher Board. A senior faculty administrator from the Faculty of Educational Sciences participates where necessary. The chair of the Subject Teacher Board is invited to the coordination committee for Bachelor’s level science programmes.

Faculty representatives are appointed by the Deputy Dean of Education on the recommendation of each subject coordinator.

The Subject Teacher Board appoints a chair from among the five faculty representatives.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Departmental responsibility for the programmes

The departments are responsible for implementing courses in accordance with the adopted programme and course syllabi. This responsibility includes ensuring the appointment of teachers who have an understanding of the role of the course within the programme and thus encouraging teachers – and giving them the opportunity – to participate in the programmes’ ‘teacher days’, for example.

The departments are furthermore responsible for enabling teachers to develop their pedagogical skills, and for initiating – in consultation with the programme directors and programme boards – the development and improvement of courses and programmes.

The following also applies:

  • The departments are responsible for ensuring that all courses are evaluated and analysed whenever offered, in accordance with the University and faculty’s regulations and guidelines.
  • The departments make decisions regarding allocation of resources and staffing for the courses after consultation with the programme director.
  • The relevant department appoints programme directors for programmes, or parts of such programmes, for which the department is responsible, after consultation with the Deputy Dean of Education.
  • The relevant department appoints, if needed, an assistant programme director for a programme, after consultation with the Deputy Dean of Education.
  • The relevant department appoints, if needed, a programme board for the programmes for which the department is responsible on the proposal of the subject coordinator after consultation with the head of department and other relevant subject coordinator(s).
  • The department is responsible for ensuring that employees appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board to the assignments specified in the Rules of Procedure are able to carry out their duties.
  • The department is responsible for ensuring that supervisors in doctoral education can carry out their supervision duties within their regular employment.
  • The department is responsible for ensuring that teachers at all levels of education and the supervisors within doctoral education have opportunities for competence development.

Faculty of Science and Technology’s Council for Educational Development (TUR)

The Council for Educational Development at the Faculty of Science and Technology (TUR) is tasked with supporting the faculty’s educational development work. TUR collaborates with the faculty’s teachers, educational leaders and student representatives, as well as other disciplinary domains and higher education institutions. These efforts are reported annually to the Disciplinary Domain Board and the educational boards.

Composition: 8-10 faculty members, of which one is chair, are appointed by the Disciplinary Domain Board on the recommendation of the Deputy Dean of Education. In addition, three student representatives (of which one is preferably a doctoral student) sit on the Council. All sections should be represented on the Council.

The term of office is three years as of 1 January 2021.

Senior faculty administrators

Senior faculty administrators are employed by the faculty office, which is part of the University Administration. They handle general educational issues at the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology and are rapporteurs in advisory and decision-making bodies.

The senior faculty administrators:

  • are the principal administrative officers for educational matters within the faculty, which includes obtaining data and carrying out analyses in advance of decisions, initiating and preparing matters for the Disciplinary Domain Board and other bodies, and executing and notifying execution of decisions taken;
  • carry out projects by order of the Disciplinary Domain Board and its subordinate bodies;
  • serve as experts in relation to educational boards, departments, heads of departments, administrators, programme directors and directors of studies;
  • are responsible for generally supporting and coordinating educational evaluations;
  • when required, act in lieu of programme directors (first- and second-cycle programmes only); are responsible for ensuring that the faculty’s guidelines for dealing with matters concerning individuals are complied with and have powers to both make and change decisions (first- and second-cycle programmes only) in accordance with the Disciplinary Domain Board’s delegation
  • represent the faculty in working groups etc., both at the University and in national and international collaborations;
  • prepare matters concerning faculty-wide courses, e.g. course syllabi (first cycle, second cycle and doctoral programmes);
  • make decisions on the revision of syllabi for freestanding courses on the recommendation of the department responsible for the course;
  • make decisions on the revision of syllabi for programme-wide courses as agreed by the programme board;
  • may, upon delegation of authority from NUN and TUN respectively and in consultation with the chairs of the respective educational boards, approve course syllabi (first- and second-cycle programmes only).

