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We are thrilled that new members: PhD student Anup Mani and postdoctoral researcher Zhengkang Luo have joined the Cis-Regulation, Morphology and Evolution Lab!


Virginia Panara has joined our team at the Evolution and Development program as a postdoctoral researcher. Her three-years position is funded by the VR International Postdoc grant, and shared between Uppsala University and the University of Montpellier. Her work focuses on the investigation of the evolutionary history of lymphatic vasculature in vertebrates.


Project students Karen Desmedt from Hogent University and Suki Xie Chen from University of Barcelona have joined our team to learn the zebrafish model and to study the musculoskeletal cells labelled with knock-in GFP.



Tatjana Haitina went for experiment at Nanomax beamline of MaxIV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden and successfully obtained 2D elemental maps of zebrafish tissues. We are thankful to our collaborators Bryan Falcones for tissue section preparation and beamline scientist Maik Kahnt for experimental setup. The experiment was possible thanks to Fast Access Proposal granted by MaxIV scientific board.

In collaboration with Excillum we have also successfully tested nano-CT on tiny, a few mm long, zebrafish larva. We are excited about the possibility to use nano-CT for characterizing zebrafish mutants in collaboration with Till Dreier at Excillum and Martin Bech at Lund University.

During our last imaging session at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility we scanned more than 100 iodine-stained tissue samples from extant vertebrates at BM05 beamline. Starting from sample collection from all over the world, iodine staining, sample mounting, synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography and finally to the image reconstruction it was a great team effort. Scanning was done in collaboration with Sophie Sanchez, Sifra Bijl, Paul Tafforeau and Kathleen Dollman.


Jake Leyhr successfully defended his PhD thesis on October 6th. Discussion was led by the opponent Professor Chrissy Hammond from University of Bristol.

During the summer Jake Leyhr participated in the prestigious Embryology course at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, USA. On the left - with Eric F. Wieschaus, the Nobel laureate who took the class in 1969. On the right - doing the lab work.

Our collaborative project with Dr. Jan Stundl and Professor Marianne Bronner at Caltech is published in PNAS.

And Andrew Gillis wrote a commentary for PNAS: ''Scales, scutes, and embryonic origins of the vertebrate dermal skeleton.''

Our 3D analyses of the zebrafish wild-type and mutants with phase-contrast X-ray synchrotron microtomography is published in Frontiers in Endocrinology. The technique is great for characterising all kinds of soft and hard tissues at the cell level in 3D.

We received funding!
We are so grateful to this funding and looking forward to start the project.

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