Science and Technology Education

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

The research in science and technology education at the department deals with teaching and learning at different levels in the education system from preschool, elementary school and upper secondary school to higher education. In the group there is a genuine interest in studying how teaching, learning and socialization take shape in practice.

The Department of Education has a long tradition of research in science and technology education. The research concerns teaching and learning at different levels, from preschool to higher education.

The research utilises several different data collection methods and methodologies, such as interviews, observations, surveys, video-analysis, and intervention studies. The projects often investigate the enactment of teaching in practice and what consequences this have for the learning of children/students as well as for their socialisation and scientific and technological literacy. Several researchers approach the teaching and learning of science and technology through interdisciplinary perspectives including, for example, education for sustainable development, teaching traditions, gender, and identity.

A large part of the research is externally funded (e.g. the Swedish Research Council, the Wallenberg Foundations, Formas, and the Swedish Institute for Educational Research. The research is also carried out in collaboration with municipalities and schools. The research results are disseminated at national and international conference and through articles in highly ranked international journals. Several of the researchers also author textbooks for school and higher education.


Eva Lundqvist


Researchers in science and technology education have ongoing collaborations with several research environments internationally and nationally, e.g. Leeds University (Prof. Jim Ryder), University of Delaware (Prof. Kathryn Scantlebury), McGill University (Dr. Allison Gonsalves), Université de Toulouse (Prof. Chantal Amade-Escot, Prof. Patrice Venturini et al.), King’s College London (Dr. Heather King), University of Geneva (Prof. Florence, Ligozat et al.), University of Western Brittany (Prof. Gérard Sensevy, Dr. Sophie Le Brun m.fl.), Oslo University (Prof. Erik Knain), Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein (Prof. Ryk Lues), Umeå University, Stockholm University (Prof. P-O Wickman, Dr. Karim Hamza et al.) and Örebro University (Prof. Johan Öhman and Dr. Karin Rudsberg). The group members are also active in several different international research networks such as, EERA, NERA, NARST and ESERA.

Group members

Research leader: Eva Lundqvist
Group members: Eva Lundqvist, Jonas Almqvist, Malena Lidar, Lennart Rolandsson, Leif Östman, Ammi Berglund, lektor, Katedralskolan, Catharina Bergström, lärare, Palmbladsskolan, Malin Hjertson, lektor, Fyrisskolan, Sofie Mellberg, lektor, Rosendalskolan, Ida Solum, lärare, Rosendalskolan

