Equal opportunities group

The goal of the group’s work is to make sure that no employee at or job applicant to the department should be subjected to harassment, discrimination or other offensive treatment. The same also applies to students who participate in or apply for education at the department.

Here you will find information about the university's work against harassment and discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability or age. A complete description can be found in the document Guidelines for handling harassment cases according to the Discrimination Act.

The department's working group for equal opportunities consists of representatives from several categories of staff. The group aims to:

  • Participate in planning concerning equal opportunities within the Department.
  • Continuously follow up and evaluate the Department's equal opportunities work.
  • Assist the Head of Department with supporting documents for equal opportunities.
  • Protect equal opportunities for everyone at the department and be the first instance if something happens.

Have you experienced or seen someone else being subjected to discrimination or harassment at the department? If so, you are welcome to contact the Equal Opportunities representative to discuss the matter. It is important to know that the equal opportunities group does not act against the will of the notifier.

Equal opportunities officer:

Hannah Olsson Dannfors, department´s equal opportunities officer, chairperson.

Email: likavillkor@uu.se

Equal opportunities representative group:

Johan Heldin, researcher. Email: Johan.Heldin@uu.se

Josefina Nordström, senior lectur. Email: josefina.nordstrom@uu.se

Henrik Lodén, researcher. Email: henrik.loden@uu.se

Laurynas Mockeliunas, doctoral student. Email: laurynas.mockeliunas@uu.se

Sunithi Gunasekera, researcher. Email: sunithi.gunasekera@uu.se

Sophie Nordberg Saxberg, Student. Email: sophienordbergsaxberg@gmail.com

Faranak Azarbayjani, Universitetslektor. Email: faranak.azarbayjani@uu.se

Hannah Olsson Dannfors, department´s equal opportunities officer, chairperson. (Parental leave 50%) Email: likavillkor@uu.se

Additional contact details to student representatives in discrimination matters:

The Pharmaceutical Student Union's contact person: soc@farmis.uu.se

Uppsala Student Union's Equality Officer: jamlikhet@us.uu.se


Action plan for equal opportunities Pdf, 162 kB.

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