About us

The Campus management organisation at Campus Engelska Parken
is a collaborative organisation between the departments and other constituent units. The task of the management organisation is to be responsible for the cost-effective coordination of the departments' support functions for core activities.

It handles issues and services relating to the provision of premises, security, work environment and environment, mail and goods handling, workshop (manufacture and modification of equipment for research and teaching), room booking, locks and access cards, reception, AV support, etc.

From natural sciences to humanities

The first buildings in the campus area were built in the mid-19th century to accommodate students of chemistry, physics, mineralogy and geology. The oldest building is House 1, which houses the Departments of Theology and History.

House 2 was purpose-built for the Department of Chemistry in 1904 and in its basement Theodor Svedberg started his work on physical chemistry. He constructed an ultracentrifuge, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1926, and it still exists today in the basement of the building.

The latest building, Building 22, which houses the Humanities Theatre, was inaugurated in 2017. It was created as an arena for humanistic discourse where the human being as a thinking and creative individual is at the centre. The open conversation is promoted by placing the chairs like a horseshoe facing each other, around an open arena in the centre.

Environment and waste at Campus Engelska Parken

At Campus Engelska Parken we constantly work with the environment in mind.

We closely follow Uppsala University's action plan for sustainable development, including the established environmental goals and action plans for environmental work. We also integrate the guidance for environmentally friendly purchases.

Properly sorted, waste becomes a valuable resource that is used for new products or energy. This reduces energy consumption and minimises the use of natural resources. You can help by sorting your waste in the sorting furniture available at the English Park.

There are containers for:

Combustible waste
Food waste
Plastic packaging
Paper packaging
Deposit cans/bottles
Metal packaging

