Many of the buildings in the English Park are old and connected to each other by paths and corridors. This means that it is not always easy for people with disabilities to get around on normal roads. If you are unsure which is the best route, please contact the Service Centre during or before your visit and we will be happy to help. We are located in the basement of building 3, lift from the main entrance Thunbergsvägen 3H and 3R.
Mobile hearing loops can be borrowed from the Service Centre. Please contact us beforehand and we will make sure it is charged.
Parking for the disabled is available near our entrances. The usual permit for the disabled applies there.
Wheelchair accessible toilets (RWC). See mazemap below.
More information about accessibility in each building can be found in the Akademiska Hus building guides.
The following buildings have lift access;
- Building 1
- Building 2 - classroom corridor, card reader to floors 2 and 3.
Building 2 - card reader to building 3 floors 1 and 3 and to building 2 floors 1, 2 and 3. - Building 4
- Building 6 - card reader to floors 0 and 2
House 6 - key to the lift to Rausingrummet - House 7 - to Matikum
- House 9 - at computer room 9-0044, card reader to the Department of Linguistics floor 3.
Building 9 - at the library - Building 16 - at entrance 3L
- Building 22 - card reader to floors 2 and 3
Building 22 - wheelchair lift - Houses 3-9 - main entrance 3L/3R
- Centre for Gender Studies, Villavägen 6
Some lifts require authorisation on the access card in order to be used. Contact the Service Centre if you are unsure of what you have access to or if, if necessary, lift access should be added to your card.
Defibrillators and first aid kits
- at the Service Centre in building 3, entrance 3H
- at the Humanities Theatre in building 22, entrance 3C
- at the entrance of building 16, entrance 3L
- at the entrance of building 1, entrance 3B
- at the Ihresalen
- at the Geijersalen
- at the entrance of building 4
FIRST AID (bandages, cleaning wipes, plasters)
- at the Service Centre in building 3, entrance 3H
- at the Humanities Theatre in building 22, entrance 3C
Toilets, lifts and disabled parking spaces are marked on the Mazemap map, which also shows the location of defibrillators.