Sustainability Talks

Sustainability Talks is a transdisciplinary initiative at Uppsala University Campus Gotland working towards increased awareness, knowledge creation and co-operations within the area of sustainability through linking research, education and outreach activities.

Sustainability Talks is open for anyone.

Previous seminars

5 February 2020 | Learning to live with a lively planet (2) What does climate change mean for intergenerational relations on Gotland? Presentation and workshop together with Keri Facer, current Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, on intergenerational relations in the light of climate change. This is a follow up on her inaugural lecture Learning to live with a lively planet at Uppsala University 2019.

To the recording

29 October 2019 | Sustainability in the Reality of War Gotland based war photographer Hady Kareka tells about his experiences in war zones and shows some of his pictures. This forms the basis of our conversations and discussions on sustainability in the context of war.

7 June 2019 | Sustainability Symposium 2019. The graduating students from the Bachelor’s programme in Environmental Science, and Master’s programmes in Sustainable Management; Cultural Heritage and Sustainability; and Sustainable Destination Development, presents their thesis.

28 March 2019 | Building a University for the Common Good? Addressing Climate Change Together Presentation and discussion with Keri Facer, professor in Educational and Social Futures and the current Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, on what it might take to build powerful collaborations between universities and communities to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.

To the recording

20 februari 2019 | Film Seminar Screening of 'IF A TREE FALLS' - a story of the Earth Liberation Front, by Marshall Curry and Sam Cullman. This documentary follows a former member and the law case against him. Reflection och discussion with Environmental Lawyer Gunilla Högberg Björck.


7 December 2018 | To imagine global change - beyond thought and through emotion A seminar about our collective existence in a planet facing unprecedented crises. How can we inspire to act and ask differently in a world that requires new and creative approaches? Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, University of British Columbia, Canada.

To the recording

23 oktober 2018 | Shojin Cuisine and Food design Japanese master chef Toshio Tanahashi shares his experience of working with the ancient vegetarian cuisine Shojin ryori.

26 September | Towards renewable energy. Karin Edberg, PhD in sociology from Södertörn University with a focus on contemporary energy challenges, and Nermina Saracevic, former master student in Wind Power Project Management at Uppsala University and winner of the Global Swede Diploma 2018 discuss their individual paths to renewable energy and their current work within the field.

1 June 2018 | Sustainability Symposium 2018 Master students in Sustainable Management at Campus Gotland presents their theses on sustainability through a business perspective.

9-14 April 2018 | Sustainability Talks Writing Retreat Doctorates in the environmental and sustainability field presents their ongoing research.

7 February 2018 | Climate change - a perfect moral storm? How can one relate to and contribute to addressing the greatest social and environmental challenges of our times? Kevin Anderson, Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership, Centre for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS), Uppsala University. Folke Tersman, Professor of Practical Philosophy, Uppsala University.

To the recording Kevin Anderson
To the recording Folke Tersman

8 November 2017 | Filmseminar 'The Venice Syndrome' This documentary depicts the increasingly common phenomena of mass tourism in popular cities. The film is especially relevant for Visby as there are current plans to expand the harbour with a new quay to cater for a larger number of visitors to the island. After watching the documentary, participants got the opportunity to engage in an open discussion on the results of mass tourism, cultural heritage and conservation.

Watch trailer

20 September 2017 | What does water mean to us? Anna E. Weiser, composer/artist. Anna presents a project called ‘Listening to Sustainability’, recordings and photographs of streams and waterways on Gotland to better understand the human connection with the resource. David O. Kronlid, associate professor of ethics at Uppsala University, and research leader at SWEDESD. David talks about an ongoing research project on the knowledge gap that occurs within institutions when dealing with complicated sustainability issues, like water scarcity.

2 June 2017 | Sustainability Symposium Master students from more than 10 countries present their research projects on various sustainability issues, including the water situation on Gotland, how local firms deal with environmental issues, democratic budgeting for social change, social innovations, sustainable food production, the usage of fitness apps, to name a few.

To the recording

22 February 2017 | Accelerating towards Paris: how informed hope and action can Trump despair? Kevin Anderson, second holder of the Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership, Uppsala University, discuss the implications that the 1.5 degree target as agreed in the Paris Agreement has for our global energy systems.

16 November 2016 | The battle of sustainability will be won or lost in cities. Thomas Elmqvist, brings fresh insights from the Habitat III - United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in Ecuador 17-20 October 2016, and the adopted New Urban Agenda focusing on making cities equitable, prosperous and sustainable.

14 September 2016 | On the roads towards greater responsibility. A critical approach to a sustainable lifestyle. Jesse Schrage, former student at Uppsala University Do we aid by choosing fairtrade? Isabelle Guselin, former student at Uppsala University.

27 January 2016 | Report from Paris: International cooperation and the challenge of climate change. Doreen Stabinsky, Professor of Global Environmental Politics at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine, and Uppsala University’s first holder of the Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership.

