
Research is carried out at most university departments operating in Visby. However, it is the research in a couple of subjects that is unique to Campus Gotland, namely in wind energy, conservation and in game design.

Forskning vid Campus Gotland

Multidisciplinary graduate school in sustainable development

The main mission of Uppsala University's multidisciplinary graduate school is to conduct research based on key social challenges. The research will include subjects such as changed energy systems, sustainable consumption, destinations development.

More on the graduate school

Forskarskolan bildobjekt

Exploit the potential of Campus Gotland

The education and research environment at Campus Gotland offers particularly good opportunities for testing new paths and exploiting the potential of multi- and interdisciplinarity and regional collaboration. Read more in 'Mission, Goals and Strategies' for Uppsala University.

Innovations for a better world

Many of the products, services, and methods that have a meaningful impact on people worldwide today are based on ideas and research results successfully developed by researchers and students, either individually or collaboratively.

At Uppsala University, innovative ideas with real impact potential can crop up anytime and anywhere. Whatever their nature, working mechanism to capture and nurture them are all in place.

Welcome to UU Innovation!

UU Innovation bildobjekt

Research for a better world

Research carried out at Uppsala University helps us to understand our society. Read more on research at Uppsala University.

