Wind Energy


We combine leading research on wind energy modeling with interdisciplinary research on sustainable energy transition. We investigate topics such as how to maximize the electricity production from wind farms and how a transition to a sustainable energy system can be achieved.


A large-scale expansion of wind energy is an important part of a sustainable energy transition. At the same time, an increased understanding of the transition processes related to such a development is necessary. We work both to increase the understanding of how to maximize the contribution from wind energy, but also broader with investigating what is required for a sustainable energy transition in all parts of the energy system.

Our research combines an international, national and regional focus and takes place in close collaboration with the industry and other actors in society. We lead the research center Swedish Wind Center (SWC), which collects and develops research-based knowledge about wind power.

The research is closely linked to our teaching and we organize a Master's Program in Wind Power Project Management and a Bachelor's program in Energy Transition-Sustainability and Leadership, as well as several freestanding courses in both subjects.

Research in Wind Energy and Energy Transition are conducted on Campus Gotland.

Our Research

Our research in wind modeling focuses on the understanding of how the atmosphere interact with wind turbines and wind farms of increasing size, both on and off-shore. We consider how the flow within and around wind farms are affected of atmospheric conditions. Being located in the middle of the Baltic Sea, its specific conditions are of particular interest. Swedish conditions on land with varying conditions and lots of forest are also in our focus area. We use advanced numerical modeling that takes into account how wind conditions vary over time to how turbines placed in parks can make use of the energy and how these affect the flow. Here we study e.g. turbulence levels inside parks and how this affects the life time of turbines. Today, there are a large number of farms planned in e.g. the North and Baltic Sea that will impact each other. Therefore, the wind modeling activities also have a strong link to the energy transition field considering the planning aspects of the wind energy and how a large share of wind energy in a system can be handled.

Our interdisciplinary research investigates sustainable energy transition from different perspectives and at varying scales, from the local to the global. We use methods from a number of academic disciplines to, among other things, study inclusive transition processes, decision support, and transition mechanisms. Being located on an island, the unique conditions on islands and for the rural communities are of a specific interest, but also the connection to global developments. Coming from a wind power focused research environment, there is an extra interest in the role of wind power can have in future sustainable energy systems.

Watch a film about our research in energy transition

PhD Studies

According to international evaluations, Uppsala University has some of the most comprehensive research in geosciences in Europe, and our doctoral students at Uppsala University are among the most satisfied with their doctoral education. We offer doctoral studies in eight research areas.
Read more about our PhD Studies.


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