Apply for PhD project research grants

Uppsala Diabetes Centre is now open to new applications for PhD project research grants. This time, 400 000 SEK will be assigned to 8 cross-disciplinary projects at SLU and Uppsala University’s three disciplinary domains. Edit: This open call has now closed as the deadline has passed. You are welcome to apply at the next occassion! 

Ratio 3-2 platshållare


Each project will receive a standard amount of SEK 400 000 per year for a maximum of 4 years (48 months), covering a PhD student’s salary. The remaining salary cost must be covered by the applicant or the department where the PhD student will be registered. Participation in research school activities, seminars and workshops by both PhD students and applicants is a prerequisite for funding.

Eligibility to Apply

  • The project must have supervisors from at least two different disciplinary domains at Uppsala University or have a combination of supervisors from Uppsala University and SLU.
  • The main applicant should be employed or affiliated with Uppsala University or SLU for at least one year at the time of the application.
  • At least one co-applicant should be employed at another disciplinary domain at Uppsala University or there should be a combination of applicants from Uppsala University and SLU.
  • Other co-applicants can be from other parts of Sweden or abroad.
  • The project should be an obvious interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • The PhD student must be registered at the same department as the supervisor at either Uppsala University or SLU.
  • The Head of Department of the main applicant must sign the application and, in so doing, guarantee that the PhD student will be hosted at the department and that co-financing exists for the remaining part of the salary.

Supervisors at the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social sciences at Uppsala University, who have an ongoing cross-disciplinary projects similar to the above, can apply for already accepted PhD students at the beginning or middle of their studies. However, PhD students who have less than two years left are not eligible.


The submission should be written in English and follow the format outlined in the application form. Submit the application to Ulrika Bäckman and write “UDC PhD project application” as the subject of the email.

  • Open call for PhD projects (Link removed)
  • Application form (Link removed)

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