SWEDESD has in collaboration with our partners, developed Re-Solve, a reflective and iterative process tool for scaling learning and sustainability practices and in education for sustainable development as well as other areas addressing sustainability issues, including health, aid and governance.
Re-Solve draws on diverse schools of thought about scaling as a general concept and scaling in the education sector as well as real-world experience to offer a practical and theoretically sound tool to support scaling of learning and sustainability practices, thus accelerating progress towards sustainable development.
Specifically, Re-Solve compiles a series of workshops enabling stakeholders to reflect and self-evaluate existing ESD activities or projects; and based on this self-assessment, to define visions, strategies and actions to accomplish their desired scales. Re-Solve adopts a systemic approach that can be adapted according to context. The main purpose is to enable not only an effective but also a locally relevant scaling process.
The key benefits of Re-Solve are as follows:
- To create a shared language and understanding of ESD scaling (and other processes)
- To introduce multiple dimensions and pathways for scaling, including vertical, horizontal, functional, spontaneous scaling (and other processes)
- To underline learning, sustainability and ethics as key elements of successful scaling processes
- To improve collaboration on scaling across diverse disciplines and multiple stakeholders
- To transfer the ownership of scaling process from external to internal stakeholder
Re-Solve is used in ceveral of SWEDESD programs and projects.
Re-Solve has been developed in collaboration with Environmental Learning and Research Centre (ELRC) at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; and the Southern African Environmental Education Programme (SADC REEP).