Research talks
Our researchers often engage in conversations about their research. This can be anything from podcasts to lectures, panel discussions and debates. Below we have collected some of the conversations that researchers from Uppsala Immigration Lab have participated in.
Feel free to listen and watch! (the programs are in Swedish)
Careers and Barriers: Discussion on new report
The report “Careers and Barriers” is presented by Jan O. Jonsson and Carina Mood. Comments by Anna Tegunimataka, Associate Professor at Lund University and Olof Åslund, Uppsala Immigration Lab. Organized by ESO.
See a recording here: How are young people with a foreign background doing in school?
Panel discussion on immigration and the labor market (April 2023)
Olof Åslund, Visiting Professor and Scientific Director at UIL, in a discussion on immigration, the labor market and the economy together with Annika Sundén, Economist and former Head of Analysis at the Swedish Public Employment Service, Laura Hartman, Chief Economist at LO and Patrik Karlsson, Labor Market Expert at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The moderator is Bengt Westerberg. The conversation was organized by the Institute for Futures Studies.
Watch the conversation on Youtube
Podcast on historical emigration (September 2021)
Mounir Karadja talks to Professor Dag Blanck in Bildningspodden about emigration from Sweden in the second half of the 19th century. What is true about the Great Emigration? Research shows that emigration was often successful both for those who left and for those who stayed behind.
Listen to Bildningspodden on Spotify.
Podcast on migration and society (December 2020)
Sweden is expecting large retirements in the next few years, while many of our immigrants are without jobs, despite several years in the country. How does this equation work? What opportunities are there in the labor market if we dare to think differently? About migration, society, immigration and the labor market with researcher Olof Åslund.
Listen to Forskarpodden on Spotify.