ISP Board
ISP is governed by a Board consisting of members from Uppsala University, other participating universities in Sweden, representatives from developing countries, international organisations, and Uppsala University student organisations.
The instruction for the Board is contained in the Instruction for International Science Programme Pdf, 150 kB. (in Swedish, revised 2016). A translation of the Instruction Pdf, 675 kB. is available in English.
The members of the Board are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University for a period of three years, with the exception of the representative for the student organisations who is appointed by them for a period of one year.
The Board decides on:
- Overall guidelines for the operation
- Rules of procedure within the programme
- Grant applications, plan of action and budget
- Which countries should be included for collaboration
- Collaboration with other organisations
- Appointment of members of the Executive Committee
- Other issues that are remitted to the Board by the Executive Committee
The Board shall be kept informed about the activities in the programme, conduct necessary follow-ups and follow the financial outcome. The Board also appoints the members of the ISP reference groups (more information below).
The Executive Committee is appointed by the ISP Board, and it should meet at least four times a year. All members of the Executive Committee are from Uppsala University.
According to the Rules of Procedure Pdf, 143 kB., decided by the Board 13 June 2016, the Executive Committee shall convene at least four times per year, with the main responsibility to:
- Review the financial result of the preceding quarter
- Receive a report about actions taken since the latest meeting
- Discuss planned actions and work for the implementation of decided plans
- Actively participate in the development of the program
- Prepare decisions of the Board on activity plan, budget, grant applications, annual report, and other issues of general and fundamental kind
- Decide terms of delegation at ISP
- Decide on issues submitted by the program directors
List of all members of ISP Executive Committee
ISP Reference Groups
The ISP Board appoints the members of the reference groups for a period of five years. The present reference groups were appointed on 12 March 2013 by the Board.
The reference groups evaluate applications submitted to ISP at their annual meetings. There are three reference groups - one for each program - in chemistry, mathematics and physics. The reference groups also have an advisory role in ISP's day-to-day scientific work, for instance by making sitevisits to collaborating research groups and networks.
The Terms of Reference for the reference groups are described in the document Terms of Reference Pdf, 55 kB. (updated June 2017).