Ongoing research projects
The Black Renaissance and Its Nordic Affiliations
The Black Renaissance and Its Nordic Affiliations is jointly affiliated with CEMFOR and the English Department at Cornell University. Her project traces the intertextual connections between the Harlem Renaissance and Nordic literatures as well as studies how discussions of racism, antiracism, and equity traveled through literature across the Atlantic in the early twentieth century.
- Projektdeltagare/Project leader: Iida Pöllänen
- Finansiär/Financier: Academy of Finland
Cybersecurity and the politics of responsibility: Renegotiations of state-citizen relations in a digital democracy
The current war in Ukraine has fortified cyber security’s place at the top of the global political agenda. At the heart of this debate lies the question of responsibility, i.e., how responsibility for cyber-security is defined and attributed. This project analyses the ideological and political consequences of how responsibility is articulated, attributed and implemented in Swedish cybersecurity discourse. The project takes as its point of departure a recognition that the question of responsibility is not only a technical and judicial question, but rather political at its heart: how we understand and practice responsibility is embedded in social relations of power and inequality, it is formative of social order, political relations, as well as of (political) subjectivities - conditioning lines of solidarity as well as which groups and individuals are to be included in a digitalizining democracy.
Project description
Principal Investigator: Claes Tängh Wrangel
Funding body: The Swedish Research Council, 4 800 000 SEK.
Environmental Justice, Land Based Learning and Social Sustainability in Sábme
In order to address environmental injustice, the overall aim of this project is to challenge Western dominant relationships to nature and environment from Indigenous peoples’ standpoints, experiences and perspectives, with Indigenous knowledges, innovation and expertise. Ultimately, the aim is to formulate visions for a much-needed change of relations with Nature, and non-humans, formulating visions for long-term environmental and social sustainability. We ask:
- How have Sámi - Indigenous peoples struggled to provide land-based expertise to settler colonial nation states and how are these struggles been linked to struggles for self-determination?
- What are the mechanisms in settler colonial nation states that exclude Sámi knowledges, experiences and concerns?
- How can Western science/technology research, government policies and economic activities be geared towards the integration of Sámi land-based expertise and relational values towards nature?
- Project leader: May-Britt Öhman
- Financier: FORMAS, 3 000 000 SEK
The imaginative horizon of contemporary war: Neurobiology, AI and the US military
With the objective to predict and pre-empt the emergence of political violence, the US Department of Defence has devoted increasing attention to the intersection between neurobiology and AI. The aim of this research project is to examine how the promise of automated neurobiological technologies conditions imaginaries of war and governance.
- Project Description
- Project leader: Claes Tängh Wrangel
Financier: The Swedish Research Council (VR), 3 150 000 kr.
Immigration and the Normalization of Racism: Discursive Shifts in Swedish Politics and Media 2010-22
The project examines the process of normalization of racism in the Swedish public sphere by looking at trajectories of Swedish political and media discourse. The study covers the period 2010-22 of a significant change in Swedish public language on immigration in the context of ongoing socio-political change including the growth of right-wing populism. The research group examines various discursive shifts that allow for the once unacceptable, racist and xenophobic attitudes towards immigration and migrants to become increasingly legitimised and normalised in the public domain.
- Project description
- Projektdeltagare: Michal Krzyzanowski
- Finansiär: Swedish Research Council, 4 000 000 SEK
The project is hosted by the Department of Informtacis and Media, Uppsala University.
Indigenous perspectives on forest fires, drought and climate change: Sápmi
The overall aim of this inter- and supradisciplinary research project is to analyse, document and bring forward Indigenous – Sámi knowledge in regard to wildfires, extreme weather events and climate change through the integrated lenses of Artistic research/Visual documentation, History of technology and science, Feminist Technoscience/Gender research and Indigenous methodologies/Sámi knowledges.
Project Description
Project Leader: Ignacio Acosta
Financer: FORMAS (4.000.000 SEK)
Leva utan olja?!
Living without oil?! Rethinking relations with lands and waters with Indigenous Land Based Expertise for a transition towards a fossil free welfare society.
- Project Description
- Project leader: May-Britt Öhman
Financier: FORMAS
Sijddaj máhttsat betyder "kommer hem"
2022 är det ett sekel sedan Statens institute för rasbiologi öppnade. Det fysiska arvet från institutet består av omkring 12000 foton, av vilka majoriteten är på samer, samt brev, dokument och mätningar av människor. På Uppsala universitet, och på många andra statliga institutioner i Sverige finns mänskliga kvarlevor av samer. Detta projekt utforskar hur samiska samhället och individer kan relatera till (im)materiella minnen, med stöd av akademisk forskning och praktik samt med utveckling av forskningsetik för att innefatta urfolksperspektiv – samiska perspektiv.
- Projektbeskrivning
- Projektledare: May-Britt Öhman
Finansiär: Vetenskapsrådet, 6 120 000 kr.
Vardagsnationalism under coronapandemin. En utforskning av vardagsnationalistiska praktiker i det svensk-finska gränsområdena
The purpose of this project is to investigate nationalism in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has transformed the borders in the Nordics from being largely symbolic (pre-pandemic) to clearly demarcated (2020) to practically closed (2021). The project focuses on the ‘ordinary citizen’ in Haparanda-Tornio and how individuals engage with nationalism in their daily lives in the pandemic.
- Projektbeksrivning:
- Projektledare: Katrina Gaber
Finansiär: Vetenskapsrådet 3 600 000 SEK.
Vit nostalgi. Hemhörighetens och tillhörighetens politik
Radikalnationalism är på frammarsch på flera håll i världen. Dess framgångar tycks rida på en våg av politisk nostalgi: en längtan tillbaka till en föreställd plats och tid i det förflutna då livet var enklare och folket lyckligare. Projektet syftar till att 1) skapa ny kunskap om hur vit nostalgi uttrycks och sprids genom radikalnationalistisk kulturproduktion och 2) spåra i vad grad politisk nostalgi och radikalnationalistiska åsikter vunnit insteg i huvudfårans politiska kultur och det offentliga samtalet.
- Projektbeskrivning:
- Projektledare: Mattias Gardell
Finansiär: Vetenskapsrådet 3 988 000