In this research theme, CEMFOR focuses on a variety of forms and regimes of exclusion which carry religious forms of pre-legitimation and orientation in addition to combining these with exclusionary socio-cultural, ethno-nationalist and other nativist frames of ‘othering’, such as Islamophobia or anti-Semitism. A vital part of this work focuses on combination of religious-culturalist patterns of exclusion with the ever more prevalent discourses and practices arguing for the alleged ‘failed integration’ of individuals and social groups stigmatised as ‘others’ along religious and related lines.
Current Research projects:
- Blodet och korset: Tankefigurer i kristen nationalsocialism i Sverige 1925– 45.
Projektledare: Gustaf Forsell
Past research projects:
- En studie om muslimska kvinnors erfarenheter av islamofobi och deras arbete med konst och aktivism.
Projektledare: Mehek Muftee - Trons försvarare: Idéer om religion i svensk radikalnationalism 1988–2020. Projektledare:Tomas Poletti Lundströmsm.