Meet this summer's SweDeliver interns: Sara Hiidenhovi, University of Jyväskylä
Meet the 3rd of six highly promising master students selected for research internships at SweDeliver's industrial partners: Sara Hiidenhovi, the Master programme in chemistry at the University of Jyväskylä, who will do her internship at Orion Pharma.
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Name Sara Hiidenhovi
Studying Master programme in chemistry, University of Jyväskylä (FI)
Will do internship at Orion Pharma
When Sara Hiidenhovi, a chemistry student specializing in analytical chemistry, started her master's thesis project at Orion Pharma – an R&D-based pharmaceuticals company, she was early on encouraged to apply for this summer’s SweDeliver research internship.
“Facing the unique possibility – to work at the intersection of industry and SweDeliver, one of the finest research centers in the field of drug delivery – I immediately realized this would add yet an extra dimension to my ambition to achieve the best possible results in my project,” Sara Hiidenhovi states.
(Image removed) Sara Hiidenhovi, master student
With a sincere interest in the pharmaceutical industry, Sara is well familiar with the important and high-quality research conducted at Orion Pharma, making it a company with a prominent place in her future career plans.
“I am convinced that this internship will give me further understanding of what it is like to carry out pharmaceutical research in the industry. I also hope to learn more about scientific methods of future use within drug delivery, and of course to meet the other interns and discuss our projects connected to SweDeliver.“
(Image removed) Center Director
Professor Christel Bergström,
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University