Meet this summer's SweDeliver interns: Shengtao Yu, Uppsala University
SweDeliver are proud to present the six master students selected for research internships with our industrial partners. For these highly motivated students it will be a summer of drug delivery science at its very best in state-of-the art environments. Meet Shengtao Yu, ready to team up with Ultimovacs.
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Name Shengtao Yu
Studying Master programme in pharmaceutical modelling, Uppsala University (SE)
Will do internship at Ultimovacs
Bringing a background in chemistry, Shengtao Yu arrived in to Sweden to explore the fields of pharmaceutical research. When opportunity knocked to do a summer internship at one of SweDelivers industrial partners it instantly caught his interest.
(Image removed) Shengtao Yu, master student
“It corresponds perfectly to my interests, expectations and capabilities. All these companies work along the forefront of drug delivery, and I’m convinced that this will improve my working skills and expand my networks within industrial research, of obvious benefit to my future career, Shengtao states.
Shengtao Yu is selected to do his internship at Ultimovacs, the Oslo-based company devoted to develop novel immunotherapies against cancer. Thus matching Shengtao's personal ambition to take part in the war against cancer, previously haning experienced a family member being diagnosed with the disease.
“I hope to further distinguish the differences between academic and industrial research, helping me to make a better decision for my future career. I also aim to expand my research capabilities. I genuinely believe this internship will be a cornerstone of my professional development.”
(Image removed) Center Director
Professor Christel Bergström,
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University