Presentation requirements and guidlines

The audience at this conference includes scientists from a wide array of disciplines, each with their expertise and terminology. To ensure your presentation is effective:

  • Avoid using highly specialized jargon without explaining it.
  • Provide clear definitions for any technical terms.
  • Use analogies and examples that can be understood by those outside your specific field.
  • Focus on the broader implications and relevance of your work, rather than only the technical details.
  • Ensure that your key points and conclusions are clear and accessible to all attendees, regardless of their background.

PhD Oral presentation guidelines

All oral presentations must be e-mailed to at the latest October 7th at 12.00 CET. We also recommend that you save a backup of your presentation on a USB flash drive and bring it with you to the conference in case of technical incompatibility.

  • Timing: Each presenter will have 10 minutes for the presentation, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session.
  • Presentation Time: You will be assigned a specific time, within a theme, for the oral presentation.
  • Technical Setup: Your presentation will be preloaded on the session room laptop and viewable on the desktop. Personal laptops cannot be used for presentations. A laser pointer will be available for your use.
  • Accessibility: We encourage all presenters to make their presentations accessible to all audience members. Small adjustments can significantly enhance the impact of your presentation.
    • Use clear, simple slides with limited, well-spaced text and one figure or diagram per slide.
    • Minimize the number of slides to maintain the talk’s duration. A good rule of thumb is one slide per minute.
    • Begin with a clear introduction to your work, highlighting its relevance to the broader scientific community.
    • Choose large, plain font sizes (greater than 24 pt), ensuring text, including on figures, is easily readable from the back of the room or on small screens.
    • Clearly describe and explain all slide content without rushing.

PhD Poster requirements

  • Size: Posters must be portrait oriented and printed in A0 size. Oversized posters will obscure adjacent posters.
  • Presentation Time: You will be assigned a specific time slot and a numbered space for the poster presentation. See the schedule.
  • Setup: All posters should be displayed in the designated area on the morning of October 8th before the conference begins. We strongly recommend that participants involved in the poster session arrive early to allow sufficient time for registration and poster setup before the program starts.
  • Presentation: During the poster session on October 8th, posters with even numbers will be presented, while posters with odd numbers will be presented on October 9th. You will be informed of your poster number well in advance. Please note that posters must remain displayed on both days, but presenters are only required to stand by their posters on the designated day. It is important that you remain at your poster for the entire duration of the assigned session to answer questions. If you wish to explore other posters during the session, please ensure that a colleague is present at your poster to assist visitors and answer questions.
  • Removal: All posters must be removed immediately after the conclusion of the poster session on Day 2, as we will not be returning to the same venue after lunch.

Last but not the least...

When presenting a poster or giving a talk at a conference, confidence is key. Remember, no one knows your work better than you do. This assurance will enable you to handle any questions and comments posed, and it provides an opportunity to connect with other researchers and potential collaborators. Speak clearly, engage with your audience, and most importantly, have fun!

