NANSS is an interdisciplinary competence platform based upon researchers and teachers from several universities, experts from regulators and from the industry.

NANSS can provide interdisciplinary education and collaborations.

Atompartikel 3D Illustration

Interdisciplinary Nuclear Education

NANSS, Nordic Academy for Nuclear Safety and Security, was initiated after discussions with the IAEA and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, SSM and representatives from the industry. To meet the need of nuclear safety expertise and training programs available resources need to be coordinated.

Contract Education and Training for Professionals

NANSS will provide nuclear education and training for professionals in the nuclear power industry, but also to governments and organizations with similar training needs. Initially course participants are expected to mainly consist of personnel from the Swedish industry and government, but courses will also be offered to international stakeholders.

NANSS Target Group for Nuclear Education

The target group is professionals in the need of training and education in the nuclear field at the university level. Leadership, management and professionals with a connection to nuclear education responsibilities, preferably with years’ experience. Senior technology managers with a particular interest in safety-security-related issues.

NANSS education covers the technical field as well as knowledge strategy and organization, tools and methods for efficient work, and the unique aspects of risk management and production leadership. NANSS will focus on education that complements as well as technical aspects.

