Karen Brounéus

Professor at Department of Peace and Conflict Research

Mobile phone:
+46 73 469 71 02
Visiting address:
Gamla Torget 3, 1tr
753 20 Uppsala
Postal address:
Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA

Professor at Uppsala University Conflicting Objectives Research Nexus (UUniCORN)

Mobile phone:
+46 73 469 71 02
Visiting address:
MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala
Postal address:
Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala

Short presentation

Professor of Peace and Conflict Research, Director of the Rotary Peace Center. My research focuses on e.g. truth and reconciliation processes after war; the gendered dimensions of war and peace; psychological health in peacebuilding after war. I teach i.a. Research Ethics, Advanced Qualitative Methods, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Management. In 2023, I was honored to receive Uppsala University's prestigious Free Distinguished Teaching Award.


  • gender and conflict
  • peacebuilding
  • psychological health after war
  • truth telling and reconciliation


Academic background

Professor in Peace and Conflict Research (2024, Uppsala)

Docent in Peace and Conflict Research (2016, Uppsala)

PhD in Peace and Conflict Research (2008, Uppsala)

Clinical psychologist (MSSc 1998, Uppsala); Teacher in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR, 2022).


  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Management
  • Research ethics
  • In-depth interviewing and active listening
  • Advanced Qualitative Methods
  • Transitional justice and reconciliation after war
  • Testifying in Truth Commissions: A blessing or burden?
  • Transitional justice and reconciliation in Rwanda
  • The legacies of war: Postwar peacebuilding and reconciliation
  • & Supervision at all levels.

Current and previous positions

Director of the Rotary Peace Center, 2024-ongoing.

Director of Studies, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2014-2019.

Lecturer, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand, January 2011–January 2014.

Postdoctoral Fellow, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago, New Zealand, August 2009–December 2010.

Assistant Professor, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2008–2009.

PhD candidate, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, 2002–2008.

Clinical psychologist, Private clinical practice, cognitive behavioral therapy, Uppsala, 2002–2006.

Clinical psychologist, Childrens’ psychiatric clinic (BUP), Sala, Sweden, 1999-2000.

Clinical psychologist, UNHCR, New Delhi, India, 1999.


2023: Uppsala University's Free Distinguished Teaching Award

2013: Early Career Award for Distinction in Research, University of Otago, New Zealand

2011: New Supervisor of the Year Award, University of Otago, New Zealand.

Media (a selection)

Researching Peace, Podcast, Uppsala University, on Doing Field Research, invited guest, December 13, 2021.

The Associated Press, Australia/ New Zealand/ South Pacific. Interview on reconciliation, May 9, 2019.

Konflikt, P1, Swedish national radio, “Colombia between peace and reconciliation”, October 1, 2016.

Swedish National Television, “Forska för livet [Research for life]", Kunskapskanalen, February 2015.

Radio National New Zealand, Summer Nights with Charlotte Graham, December 30, 2013.

Obs i P1, Swedish national radio, “Is the truth healing?”, interview December 10, 2013.

Radio National New Zealand, Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw, October 24, 2010.

ABC Radio Australia, Pacific Beat, interview September 29, 2010

Radio National New Zealand, Tangata, interview September 25, 2010

SBS Radio Australia, World View, interview September 15, 2010

Otago Daily Times, interview September 15, 2010

Radio Rhema, Auckland, interview September 13, 2010

BBC, Northern Ireland, The Stephen Nolan Show, “Moving on after the conflict”, interview September 3, 2010


Women, war trauma and peacebuilding

Gender, politics and violence in Thailand

Why join the protests? A joint international research project on Nepal's 2006 nonviolent uprisings

Truth for Peace - the outcomes and impacts of the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission on attitudes toward peace (Funded by the Royal Society of New Zealand’s Marsden Fund) Report for the Solomon Islands government and ministries


Recent publications

All publications







Karen Brounéus

