Study at Sweden’s first university
Uppsala University is globally renowned for advancing science, higher education, and international student mobility. Students from diverse backgrounds collaborate to make meaningful contributions to a better world.
Why Uppsala University?
Get a world-class education with sustainability in focus.

Higher education in Sweden
The academic environment in Sweden is informal and highly interactive.

Follow our current students
Follow our team of student ambassadors on our blog and Instagram account @StudyatUU.

Current or new student
Are you already a student at Uppsala University or have you just been admitted? Find all the information that you need at the student gateway.
Incoming trainees
There is no central administration for incoming trainees. If you are looking for a traineeship, contact the department you are interested in directly.
Student life in Uppsala
Wherever you go in Uppsala, you will be reminded of the students' impressions.

Student life in Visby
If you are interested in one of our programmes on Gotland, prepare to live in a historic and unique city.