Master’s studies

We offer over 120 Master’s specialisations in English. Join a diverse community of ambitious students from around the globe, committed to making a positive impact on the world.

The application period for Master's programmes commencing autumn 2025 starts. Submit your online application through

Master's application information

The deadline for submitting online applications is 15 January 2025 at midnight CET. Submit your online application through

Master's application guide

3 February 2025 - Documents deadline

The deadline for Uppsala University to receive all supporting documents and the application fee (if applicable). You can read more about what documents you must submit, and how to certify and send them in, on the following link:

Supporting documents

The first notifications of selection results are sent out. You will receive your offer through:

This date marks the start of the autumn semester and the start of Master's studies for all admitted students.

Welcome new students!

Five of the digital ambassadors during the academic year 2023-2024.

Follow our students

Follow our team of student ambassadors through our blog and Instagram account – @StudyatUU, to see what it is like to be an international student at Uppsala University. Here you can also connect with our current students and ask them your questions before your move to Sweden.

Meet our ambassadors

Meet us at an event

Every year we participate in fairs all over the world and host live webinars.

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