Documenting your eligibility for studies

Regardless of what programme you are applying for, you need to submit a number of documents in support of your application. These are referred to as general supporting documents. Most programmes also require programme-specific supporting documents.

These documents enable our admissions officers to confirm that you have completed your Bachelor’s studies (or that you are in your final year of Bachelor’s studies), possess sufficient English language skills, and have completed the required number of courses in your respective academic discipline, among other things.

Required documentation for all Master's applicants

The following are general supporting documents and are required of all applicants, regardless of what programme you are applying to:

  • A copy of your passport photo page.
  • Certificates and diplomas of your completed Bachelor’s degree.
  • Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester of your Bachelor’s programme.
  • Proof that you meet the English language requirements.

Most applicants can upload their documents digitally at, except a few exceptions when your transcripts must be sent directly by your university. See how to submit your documents and read about the exceptions.

If you are submitting your documents using postal service or delivery service, you should also include the cover sheet which can be downloaded from your account at

There are a number of country-specific rules for submitting academic documents. Check the information specific to your country.

You must always submit officially issued certificates, diplomas and transcript of records in the official language of the country where you studied.

If this language of your transcript is not Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or English you must provide an official translation into English.

If the language of your diploma is not Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, French or German, you must also provide an official translation into English.

Information about officially issued documents.

Information about official translations.

Are you in your final year of your Bachelor's studies and do not yet have your Bachelor's certificate or diploma? Then you must submit your complete transcript of records for all completed semesters. You also need to submit documentation from your university certifying that you are an active student in your last semester. This way, you do not need to submit your Bachelor's degree certificate by the time you apply. However, if you are admitted, you will need to provide your Bachelor’s degree certificate when your Master’s studies start.

University Admissions in Sweden has created a form which you can use to get certification from your current university. This statement must be completed by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent of your institution.

Statement of enrolment status form for students in their final year

If you've completed your studies in Sweden, your academic transcripts will automatically be transferred to the admissions system when you apply. You only need to submit any documents not available in the admissions system. This means that you do not have to submit your diploma or transcript from a Swedish university.

For more information about what you need to submit and applying in the international round, please see

For more information in Swedish, please see the page “Vad ska bifogas till din anmälan?”.

Programme-specific documents

Along with the general supporting documents mentioned above, many Master's programmes at Uppsala University require applicants to submit additional documents to aid the selection process. They are usually referred to as programme-specific supporting documents.

Some Master's programmes may require none of the following documents, whilst others may require one or a combination of them. You can check which additional documents you should submit by viewing the section “Application and requirements” on each programme page. Please only submit the documents specifically requested by the programme.

Some programmes may provide a template/form for a particular document. If this is the case, you will see the download link under the section “Application and requirements” on the programme page. Otherwise, you are free to write your document in the way you consider to be best for your application. You should, however, follow the instructions indicated, such as page limit.

Some programmes have special instructions on how and where you should submit the programme-specific documents and you must follow the instructions. If there are no special instructions indicated, you should submit them digitally together with your general supporting documents at

Many programmes ask applicants to submit a statement of purpose. Check the programme webpage to see if you ned to submit one or not.


Students often ask about what the statement of purpose (also known as a letter of intent, motivation letter, or personal letter) should include. Usually, a statement of purpose is one page long. You can find the page limit under the section “Application and requirements” on the programme page . Generally, it describes:

  • why you applied to the programme,
  • your expectations about the programme,
  • any relevant work experience you have had,
  • what you hope to achieve as a graduate.

If you are still unsure of what to write, or have any specific questions about what to include in your statement of purpose, please send an email to the programme coordinator. Their details can be found under the section “Contact” on the programme page.

Individual document or in an application summary sheet

Some programmes ask applicants to write the statement of purpose directly in the application summary sheet. If the programme you are applying does not have an application summary sheet, please submit the statement of purpose as an individual document.

A Bachelor's thesis, or a Bachelor's degree project, is a piece of independently written academic work of at least 8000 words (unless otherwise specified). You can be asked to either send a copy of the entire thesis or a summary. The Bachelor's thesis or its summary should be submitted in English. If you have not produced such a thesis, it may be possible to send in alternative essays or dissertations. However, it is important that you contact the programme coordinator for confirmation. Their details can be found under the section “Contact” on the programme page.

A CV (or a Curriculum Vitae) is a document which describes your previous education and professional experience.

A letter of recommendation is a statement of support written by present or former teachers or employers highlighting your academic, professional and personal strengths.

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is used in the selection for some of our programmes.

Submitting your GMAT score

Some programmes provide a form called "Application summary sheet" on the programme page. It may include fields for you to fill in your statement of purpose, work experience, research experience, a summary of Bachelor's thesis, or a combination of several of these. In this case, you should download the form and fill it out.

All links below are for pdf files, unless otherwise specified.

Application summary sheets

How to submit your supporting documents

It is very important that documents are correctly certified, translated and submitted in the correct manner. Please see detailed information about documenting your eligibility for studies.

Submitting supporting documents correctly

Most applicants can upload their supporting documents digitally at, except a few exceptions when transcripts must be sent directly by the Bachelor's university.

If an alternate rule applies in regards to submitting documents, it will be stated in the application instructions under the section “Application and requirements” on each programme page. If it is not specified, you should submit your programme-specific documents digitally together with your general supporting documents at

If you apply for multiple Master's programmes and need to submit programme-specific documents for several of the programmes, you should indicate in each document name which programme the respective document is for.

