Anders Sandell
Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; X-ray Photon Science
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 36 06
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 02 60
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; X-ray Photon Science; Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 36 06
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 02 60
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
Teaching: I teach Chemistry (Kemi 1 and 2) on preparatory level (course responsible) and Waves and Optics on basic level.
Research: I participate in a collaboration with KI, LU och LiU, aiming at a better understanding of neurological diseases. The work entails studies of chemical composition (metals) and molecular structures of cell and tissue samples. My role is to implement the use of x-ray and IR microspectroscopy in this context.
Selection of publications
- Core-Level Binding Energy Reveals Hydrogen Bonding Configurations of Water Adsorbed on TiO2 (110) Surface (2021)
- Water Adsorption on TiOx Thin Films Grown on Au(111) (2015)
- Growth of TiO2(B)(001) on Au(111) by Chemical Vapor Deposition (2015)
- Photoemission studies of water dissociation on rutile TiO2(110) (2014)
- A Molecular Mechanism for the Water-Hydroxyl Balance during Wetting of TiO2 (2013)
- Chemical vapor deposition of ordered TiOx nanostructures on Au(111) (2013)
- Controlled modification of nanoporous gold (2013)
- TiO2 chemical vapor deposition on Si(111) in ultrahigh vacuum (2011)
- Mixed Dissociative and Molecular Water Adsorption on Anatase TiO2(101) (2011)
- Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies (2009)
Recent publications
- Core-Level Binding Energy Reveals Hydrogen Bonding Configurations of Water Adsorbed on TiO2 (110) Surface (2021)
- One Precursor but Two Types of Graphene Nanoribbons (2019)
- Oxidation and Reduction of TiOx Thin Films on Pd(111) and Pd(100) (2018)
- Modeling Kinetics of Water Adsorption on the Rutile TiO2 (110) Surface (2018)
- First layer water phases on anatase TiO2(101) (2018)
All publications
- Core-Level Binding Energy Reveals Hydrogen Bonding Configurations of Water Adsorbed on TiO2 (110) Surface (2021)
- One Precursor but Two Types of Graphene Nanoribbons (2019)
- Oxidation and Reduction of TiOx Thin Films on Pd(111) and Pd(100) (2018)
- Modeling Kinetics of Water Adsorption on the Rutile TiO2 (110) Surface (2018)
- First layer water phases on anatase TiO2(101) (2018)
- Defect-Induced Water Bilayer Growth on Anatase TiO2(101) (2018)
- Developments and enhancements to the HELIOS pump probe system (2018)
- Adsorption and photolysis of trimethyl acetate on TiO2(B)(001) studied with synchrotron radiation core level photoelectron spectroscopy (2017)
- Electronic structure dynamics in a low bandgap polymer studied by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (2016)
- TiOx thin films grown on Pd(100) and Pd(111) by chemical vapor deposition (2016)
- Photochemistry of Carboxylate on TiO2(110) Studied with Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy (2016)
- Water Adsorption on TiOx Thin Films Grown on Au(111) (2015)
- Growth of TiO2(B)(001) on Au(111) by Chemical Vapor Deposition (2015)
- Crystalline anatase-rich titanium can reduce adherence of oral streptococci (2014)
- Competing water dissociation channels on rutile TiO2(110) (2014)
- Photoemission studies of water dissociation on rutile TiO2(110) (2014)
- A Molecular Mechanism for the Water-Hydroxyl Balance during Wetting of TiO2 (2013)
- Chemical vapor deposition of ordered TiOx nanostructures on Au(111) (2013)
- Heterogeneous reaction between Li and anatase TiO2 nanoparticles under ultra-high vacuum (2013)
- Controlled modification of nanoporous gold (2013)
- Toward Controlled Modification of Nanoporous Gold (2012)
- Probing the influence from residual Ti interstitials on water adsorption on TiO2(110) (2012)
- TiO2 chemical vapor deposition on Si(111) in ultrahigh vacuum (2011)
- Probing the conduction band edge of transition metal oxides by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (2011)
- High resolution photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy of a lepidocrocite-like TiO(2) nanosheet on Pt(110) (1 x 2) (2011)
- Mixed Dissociative and Molecular Water Adsorption on Anatase TiO2(101) (2011)
- Chemistry of thin film formation and stability during praseodymium oxide deposition on Si(111) under oxygen-deficient conditions (2010)
- Electronic structure of TiOPc thin film on conducting glass studied by means of X-ray and photoelectron spectroscopies (2009)
- Growth of praseodymium oxide on Si(111) under oxygen-deficient conditions (2009)
- Experimental evidence for mixed dissociative and molecular adsorption of water on a rutile TiO2(110) surface without oxygen vacancies (2009)
- Water Dissociation on Single Crystalline Anatase TiO2(001) Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy (2008)
- Initial stages of metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition of ZrO2 on a FeCrAl alloy (2008)
- Interface electronic states and molecular structure of a triarylamine based hole conductor on rutile TiO2(110) (2008)
- On the origin of a third spectral component of C1s XPS-spectra for nc-TiC/a-C nanocomposite thin films (2008)
- Electronic structure of a laterally graded ZrO2-TiO2 film on Si(100) prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition in ultrahigh vacuum (2008)
- Probing and modifying the empty-state threshold of anatase TiO2 (2008)
- HIKE experiments at KMC-1: Studies of Solar Cell Materials (2007)
- Ultrathin ZrO2 films on Si-rich SiC(0 0 0 1)-(3 × 3) (2007)
- Metal organic chemical vapor deposition of ultrathin ZrO2 films on Si(100) and Si(111) studied by electron spectroscopy (2007)
- HIKE experiments at KMC-1: Recent Analysis of Thin Film Nanocomposites (2007)
- Band alignment at the ZrO2/Si(100) interface studied by photoelectron and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (2007)
- Surface chemistry of HfI4 on Si(100)-(2x1) studied by core level photoelectron spectroscopy (2007)
- Growth of ultrathin ZrO2 films on Si(100): Film thickness dependent band alignment (2006)
- Phase and molecular orientation in H2Pc on conducting glass (2005)
- Electronic structure of a vapor-deposited metal-free phthalocyanine thin film (2005)
- Phase and molecular orientation in metal-free phthalocyanine films on conducting glass: Characterization of two deposition methods (2005)
- Interfacial properties of photovoltaic TiO2/dye/PEDOT–PSS heterojunctions (2005)
- UHV-MOCVD growth of TiO2 on SiOx/Si(111): Interfacial properties reflected in the Si 2p photoemission spectra (2005)
- Near-threshold measurement of the He-4(gamma,n) reaction (2005)
- Electronic structure of lithium-doped anatase TiO2 prepared in ultrahigh vacuum (2005)
- Phase separation and charge localization in UHV-lithiated anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (2005)
- Insertion of H+, Li+, Na+ and K+ into thin films prepared from silicotungstic acid - a photoelectron spectroscopy study (2004)
- Proton insertion in polycrystalline WO3 studied with electron spectroscopy and semi-empirical calculations (2004)
- Interfacial properties of the nanostructured dye-sensitized solid heterojunction TiO2/RuL2(NCS)(2)/CuI (2004)
- The Mn 2p core-level photoelectron spectrum of Pd-Mn bimetallic systems on Pd(100) (2004)
- Adsorption and charge transfer study of bi-isonicotinic acid on in situ grown anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (2004)
- Electronic structure of electrochemically Li-inserted TiO2 studied with synchrotron radiation electron spectroscopies (2003)
- Core-level shifts for surface bimetallic systems from first-principles theory: Pd-Mn structures on Pd(100) (2003)
- Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of anatase titanium dioxide on Si: Modifying the interface by pre-oxidation (2003)
- Determination of NO adsorption sites on Pd(100) using core level photoemission and low energy electron diffraction (2002)
- Mn-induced NO dissociation on Pd(100) (2002)
- Titanium dioxide thin film growth on silicon (111) by chemical vapor deposition of titanium(IV) isopropoxide (2002)
- Surface chemistry of TiCl4 on W(110): Identification of surface intermediates (2002)