Kim von Hackwitz
Research Advisor at University Administration; Division for Research and Partnership Support; Enheten för ledningsstöd
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Short presentation
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Forskningsrådgivare på Planeringsavdelningen, arbetar främst med frågor som rör forskningsinfrastrukturer.
Akademiska meriter: FD, Docent
Recent publications
- Processes and driving forces in changing cultural landscapes across Europe (2017)
- D3.3 Report on driving forces and actors facilitating persistence and change in cultural landscapes (2016)
- HERCULES - Sustainable futures for Europe’s HERitage in CULtural landscapES: Tools for understanding, managing, and protecting landscape functions and values (2016)
- HERCULES: Studying long-term changes in Europe’s landscapes (2015)
- Rethinking Human Nature: Bridging the ‘Gap’ through Landscape Analysis and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (2015)
All publications
- Processes and driving forces in changing cultural landscapes across Europe (2017)
- HERCULES: Studying long-term changes in Europe’s landscapes (2015)
- Rethinking Human Nature: Bridging the ‘Gap’ through Landscape Analysis and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (2015)
- Changing Landscapes – A GIS analysis of Neolithic site location and shore displacement in Eastern Central Sweden. (2013)
- The Creation of Regions (2012)
- Små båtyxor och äktaminiatyrer under mellanneolitikum i Svealand (2012)
- Vem är stor och liten, brun och grå? Något om båtyxors fyndkontext, längd och färg. (2004)
- D3.3 Report on driving forces and actors facilitating persistence and change in cultural landscapes (2016)
- HERCULES - Sustainable futures for Europe’s HERitage in CULtural landscapES: Tools for understanding, managing, and protecting landscape functions and values (2016)
- D3.2 Compiled timelines of cultural landscape change for the study landscapes (2015)
- D2.2 Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for linking geographical, archaeological, historical, and ecological data and information for the case studies (2015)