Jens Johansson
Professor at Department of Philosophy; Practical Philosophy; Academic Staff
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Short presentation
(Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt)
Professor of Practical Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University. PhD at Stockholm University, 2005 (dissertation: Mortal Beings: On the Metaphysics and Value of Death). Previous positions: Senior Lecturer at Örebro University, 2005-2007; Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford, 2007-2009; Postdoctoral Fellow at Stockholm University, 2009-2010; Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University 2011–2017.
Main philosophical interests: philosophy of death, personal identity, harm.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
"What Is Animalism?" Ratio, vol. 20, 2007
"Non-Reductionism and Special Concern," Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 85, 2007
"Kaufman's Response to Lucretius," Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 89, 2008
"Constituted Simples?" Philosophia, vol. 37, 2009
"Fitting Attitudes, Welfare, and Time," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, vol. 12, 2009
"Am I a Series?," Theoria, vol. 75, 2009
"Francescotti on Fission," Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 90, 2009
"Being and Betterness," Utilitas, vol. 22, 2010
"Parfit on Fission," Philosophical Studies, vol. 150, 2010
"Roaches's Argument against the Cohabitation View," Philosophia, vol. 39, 2011
"The Time of Death's Badness," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, vol. 37, 2012
"The Timing Problem," in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death, eds. B. Bradley, F. Feldman, J. Johansson, Oxford UP, 2013
"Past and Future Non-Existence," The Journal of Ethics, vol. 17, 2013
"When Do We Incur Mortal Harm?," in The Cambridge Companion to Life and Death, ed. Steven Luper, Cambridge UP, 2014
"Dead and Gone?," with Karl Ekendahl, Utilitas, vol. 26, 2014
"Actual and Counterfactual Attitudes: Reply to Brueckner and Fischer," The Journal of Ethics, vol. 18, 2014
"More on the Mirror: Reply to Fischer and Brueckner," The Journal of Ethics, vol. 18, 2014
"Against Pluralism in Metaethics," with Jonas Olson, in Palgrave Handbook on Philosophical Methods, ed. C. Daly, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
"Epicureanism, Extrinsic Value, and Prudence," with Karl Ekendahl, in Immortality and the Philosophy of Death, ed. M. Cholbi, Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
"The Importance of a Good Ending: Some Reflections on Samuel Scheffler's Death and the Afterlife," The Journal of Ethics, vol. 19, 2015
"Animal Ethics," Animalism: New Essays on Persons, Animals, and Identity, eds. Stephan Blatti and Paul Snowdon, Oxford UP, 2016
"'Pure Time Preference': Reply to Lowry and Peterson," with Simon Rosenqvist, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 97, 2016
"Death: Badness and Prudential Reasons," in A Companion to Applied Philosophy, eds. K. Brownlee, D. Coady, K. Lippert-Rasmussen, Blackwell, 2016
"The Severity of Death," in End of Life Ethics, ed. J. Davis, Routledge, 2017
"Asymmetry and Incoherence: A Reply to Cyr," The Journal of Ethics, vol. 21, 2017
"The Lucretian Puzzle and the Nature of Time," The Journal of Ethics, vol. 21, 2017
"20th Century Theories of the Self," in Philosophy of Mind in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries, ed. A. Kind, Routledge, 2018
"Objections to Virtue Ethics," with Frans Svensson, in Oxford Handbook of Virtue, ed. Nancy Snow, Oxford UP, 2018
"Well-Being without Being? A Reply to Feit," with Erik Carlson, Utilitas, vol. 30, 2018
"The Problem of Justified Harm: A Reply to Gardner," with Olle Risberg, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, vol. 21, 2018
"The Preemption Problem," with Olle Risberg, Philosophical Studies, vol. 176, 2019
"Deprivation and Identity," in Saving Lives from the Badness of Death, eds. Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg, Oxford UP, 2019
"The Subject of Harm in Non-Identity Cases," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, vol. 22, 2019
"Harming and Failing to Benefit: A Reply to Purves," with Olle Risberg, Philosophical Studies, vol. 177, 2020
"Bontly on Harm and the Non-Identity Problem," with Erik Carlson, Utilitas, vol. 31, 2019
"Two Arguments for Epicureanism," in Exploring the Philosophy of Death and Dying, eds. M. Cholbi & T. Timmerman, Routledge, 2021
"Well-Being Counterfactualist Accounts of Harm and Benefit," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 99, 2021
"The Significance of Tiny Contributions," with Erik Carlson and Magnus Jedenheim-Edling, Utilitas, vol. 33, 2021
"Subjectivism and Objectivism about Meaning in Life," with Frans Svensson, The Oxford Handbook of Meaning in Life, ed. I. Landau, Oxford UP, 2022
"Causal Accounts of Harming," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 103, 2022
"Does Abortion Harm the Fetus?," with Karl Ekendahl, Utilitas, vol. 34, 2022
"Plural Harm: Plural Problems," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, Philosophical Studies, vol. 180, 2023
"A Simple Analysis of Harm," with Olle Risberg, Ergo, vol. 9, 2023
"Petersson on Plural Harm," in Value, Morality & Social Reality: Essays Dedicated to Dan Egonsson, Björn Petersson & Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen, eds. A. Garcia, M. Gunnemyr, and J. Werkmäster, Lund UP, 2023
"Against the Worse than Nothing Account of Harm: A Reply to Immerman," with Olle Risberg, Journal of Moral Philosophy, vol. 20, 2023
"Doing Harm: A Reply to Klocksiem," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, Utilitas, vol. 35, 2023
"Benefits Are Better than Harms: A Reply to Feit," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, forthcoming in Australasian Journal of Philosophy
"Prudential Problems for the Counterfactual Comparative Account of Harm and Benefit," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, forthcoming in Philosophical Quarterly
"Unruh's Hybrid Account of Harm," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, forthcoming in Theoria
"Higher-Order Control: An Argument for Moral Luck," with Erik Carlson and Anna Nyman, forthcoming in Australasian Journal of Philosophy
"Pitcovski's Explanation-Based Account of Harm," with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, forthcoming in Philosophical Studies
"Fischer on the Time of Death's Badness," with Erik Carlson and Karl Ekendahl, forthcoming in Philosophia
Book Reviews
Review of Lynne Rudder Baker, The Metaphysics of Everyday Life, Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 59, 2009
Review of Nils Holtug, Persons, Interests, and Justice, Theoria, vol. 77, 2011
Review of Christopher Belshaw, Annihilation and Steven Luper, The Philosophy of Death, Mind, vol. 121, 2012
Review of Robert E. Goodin, On Settling, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 92, 2014
Review of David Boonin, Dead Wrong: The Ethics of Posthumous Harm, Bioethics, vol. 35, 2021
Editorial Work
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death, co-edited with Ben Bradley and Fred Feldman (Oxford UP, 2013)
Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Harm, co-edited with Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg (Oxford UP, expected publication in 2026)
One of two editors of Filosofisk tidskrift (2020–)
Associate Editor of The Journal of Ethics (2019–)
Area Editor of Ergo (2022–)
One of two editors of Tidskrift för politisk filosofi (2009–2020)
Guest Editor of "The Benefits and Harms of Existence and Non-Existence, special thematic issue of The Journal of Ethics (vol. 17, issue 1-2, 2013)
Publications in Swedish
Att granska sig själv - en ESO-rapport om den kommunala miljötillsynen, with Mikael Johannesson, Ds 2000:6
Review of Åsa Nordén, Har nutida fysik religiös betydelse?, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2001:3
"Är det dåligt att dö?", Unga filosofer, ed. Olof Franck, Natur & Kultur, 2002
Review of Thomas Hylland Eriksen & Dag O. Hessen, Egoism, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2002:1
"Nagels argument för asymmetri", Filosofisk tidskrift, 2002:2
Review of Torbjörn Tännsjö, Konservatism, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2002:4
Review of Rainer Carls, Om tro och vetande, Johan Lundborg, När ateismen erövrade Sverige, Sebastian Rehnman, Gud, kunskap och vara, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2003:2
Review of Ulf Jonsson, Med tanke på Gud, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2005:3
Review of 8 filosofiska texter, eds. Dan Munter & Kristian Löfgren, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2008:4
Review of Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm, Verklighetsbilder, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2012:1
Review of Lennart Lundmark, Kort om döden, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2014:1
"Tiden och den döde," Filosofisk tidskrift, 2016:3
Review of Mikael Stenmark, Tankar om Gud, kristen tro och livets mening, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2017:2
Review of Anders Jeffner, I vetandets gränsmarker: Nio essäer om religion och verklighetstolkning, Filosofisk tidskrift, 2018:4
Translation into Swedish of Thomas Nagel, "Moral Luck," Vad är moraliskt rätt?, ed. Henrik Ahlenius, Thales 2004
Recent publications
- Fischer on the Time of Death’s Badness (2024)
- Pitcovski's Explanation-Based Account of Harm (2024)
- Benefits Are Better than Harms (2023)
- Plural Harm (2023)
- Prudential Problems for the Counterfactual Comparative Account of Harm and Benefit (2023)
All publications
- Fischer on the Time of Death’s Badness (2024)
- Pitcovski's Explanation-Based Account of Harm (2024)
- Benefits Are Better than Harms (2023)
- Plural Harm (2023)
- Prudential Problems for the Counterfactual Comparative Account of Harm and Benefit (2023)
- Doing Harm (2023)
- Unruh's Hybrid Account of Harm (2023)
- Against the Worse Than Nothing Account of Harm (2023)
- Does Abortion Harm the Fetus? (2022)
- Causal Accounts of Harming (2022)
- A Simple Analysis of Harm (2022)
- The Significance of Tiny Contributions (2021)
- Well-Being Counterfactualist Accounts of Harm and Benefit (2021)
- Dead wrong: The ethics of posthumous harm, David Boonin, Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2019 (2021)
- Harming and Failing to Benefit (2020)
- Bontly on Harm and the Non-Identity Problem (2019)
- The Subject of Harm in Non-Identity Cases (2019)
- The Preemption Problem (2019)
- Well-Being without Being? A Reply to Feit (2018)
- Review of Anders Jeffner, I vetandets gränsmarker: Nio essäer om religion och verklighetstolkning (2018)
- Review of Anders Jeffner, I vetandets gränsmarker: Nio essäer om religion och verklighetstolkning (2018)
- The Problem of Justified Harm (2018)
- Asymmetry and Incoherence (2017)
- Review of Mikael Stenmark, Tankar om Gud, kristen tro och livets mening (2017)
- The Lucretian Puzzle and the Nature of Time (2017)
- Tiden och den döde (2016)
- "Pure Time Preference" (2016)
- The Importance of a Good Ending: Some Reflections on Samuel Scheffler's Death and the Afterlife (2015)
- Dead and Gone? Reply to Jenkins (2014)
- More on the Mirror: Reply to Fischer and Brueckner (2014)
- On Settling, by Robert E. Goodin (2014)
- Recension av Lennart Lundmark, Kort om döden (2014)
- Actual and Counterfactual Attitudes (2014)
- Review of Robert E. Goodin, On Settling (Princeton UP, 2012) (2013)
- Past and Future Non-Existence (2012)
- The Benefits and Harms of Existence and Non-Existence (2012)
- Review of Christopher Belshaw, Annihilation and Steven Luper, The Philosophy of Death (2012)
- The Time of Death's Badness (2012)
- Recension av Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm, Verklighetsbilder (2012)
- Review of Nils Holtug, Persons, Interests, and Justice (2011)
- Roache's Argument against the Cohabitation View (2011)
- Parfit on Fission (2010)
- Being and Betterness (2010)
- Francescotti on Fission (2009)
- Am I a Series (2009)
- Fitting Attitudes, Welfare, and Time (2009)
- Review of Lynne Rudder Baker, The Metaphysics of Everyday Life (2009)
- Constituted Simples? (2009)
- Recension av 8 filosofiska texter (red. Dan Munter & Kristian Löfgren) (2008)
- Kaufman's Response to Lucretius (2008)
- What is Animalism? (2007)
- Non-Reductionism and Special Concern (2007)
- Recension av Ulf Jonsson, Med tanke på Gud (2005)
- Recension av Rainer Carls, Om tro och vetande, Johan Lundborg, När ateismen erövrade Sverige, Sebastian Rehnman, Gud, kunskap och vara (2003)
- Recension av Thomas Hylland Eriksen & Dag O. Hessen, Egoism (2002)
- Recension av Torbjörn Tännsjö, Konservatism (2002)
- Nagels argument för asymmetri (2002)
- Recension av Åsa Nordén, Har nutida fysik religiös betydelse? (2001)
- Higher-Order Control: An Argument for Moral Luck
- Petersson on Plural Harm (2023)
- Subjectivism and Objectivism about Meaning in Life (2021)
- Animal Ethics (2016)
- The Severity of Death (2016)
- Death: Badness and Prudential Reasons (2016)
- Objections to Virtue Ethics (2016)
- 20th Century Theories of Personal Identity (2015)
- Epicureanism, Extrinsic Badness, and Prudence (2015)
- Against Pluralism in Metaethics (2015)
- When Do We Incur Mortal Harm? (2014)
- The Timing Problem (2012)
- Är det dåligt att dö? (2002)