Sten Dreborg
Affiliated Researcher at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Paediatric Inflammation, Metabolism and Child Health Research
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- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Pediatrician, pediatric allergist. MD 1961, Spec Pediatrics 1968, spec Ped Allergol. 1980, PhD 1987.
Publications on Gaucher disease & Allergology/Resp Med. Presently: Epinephrine autoinjectors, Allergy diagn. 30 reviews/yr. Several Ed boards. Active AAAAI, EAACI.
Prsently mainly collaboration with colleagues in other regions.
Selection of publications
- Tissue compression and epinephrine deposition (2019)
- Implications of variation of epinephrine auto-injector needle length (2019)
- Mind the gaps (2019)
- Current practice of allergy diagnosis and the potential impact of regulation in Europe (2018)
- Methodological cutoff of basophil activation test and basophil activation test diagnostic value (2018)
- Pressure, trigger forces, and epinephrine auto-injectors Response (2018)
- Epinephrine auto-injector needle lengths (2018)
- The concept of Histamine Equivalent Allergen Threshold Concentration (2017)
- Food Allergy Nomenclature (2017)
- Skin prick/puncture testing in food allergy (2017)
- The history of immunotherapy (2017)
- Current Evidence on Safety and Practical Considerations for Administration of Sublingual Allergen Immunotherapy (SLIT) in the United States (2017)
- Cow's milk protein allergy and common gastrointestinal symptoms in infants (2016)
- Den första svenska Gregoryboxen (2016)
- Evaluation of skin reactivity during (immuno-) therapy (2016)
- Evaluation of changes in skin reactivity by skin prick test titration (2016)
- Do epinephrine auto-injectors have an unsuitable needle length in children and adolescents at risk for anaphylaxis from food allergy? (2016)
- Allergen skin prick test results should be adjusted to the histamine reactivity (2015)
- Evaluation of Allergen Immunotherapy (2015)
- Debates in allergy medicine (2015)
- Evaluation of methods for estimation of threshold concentrations by the skin prick test (2015)
- Auto-injector needle length may be inadequate to deliver epinephrine intramuscularly in women with confirmed food allergy (2015)
- Den svenska barnallergologins tidiga historia (2014)
- Den svenska barnallergologins födelse (2014)
- Proficiency testing (2013)
- Hur ska vi hantera forskningsfusk? (2013)
- Redovisat forskningsfusk bara toppen av isberget? (2013)
- IgE:s historia och betydelse (2013)
- When should adrenaline be given and by whom? (2013)
- The history of pediatric allergy in Europe (2013)
- The risk of allergic reactions to allergen extracts in personnel (2012)
- The management of food allergy in infants with special emphasis on cow’s milk allergy (2012)
- Clinical Use of Probiotics in Pediatric Allergy (CUPPA) (2012)
- Barn- och Ungdomsallergologi i Sverige och Europa (2011)
Recent publications
- International recommendations on epinephrine auto-injector doses often differ from standard weight-based guidance (2022)
- The pharmacokinetics of epinephrine/adrenaline autoinjectors (2021)
- Epinephrine auto-injectors (2020)
- Epinephrine autoinjectors (2020)
- Epinephrine auto-injector needle length (2020)
All publications
- International recommendations on epinephrine auto-injector doses often differ from standard weight-based guidance (2022)
- The pharmacokinetics of epinephrine/adrenaline autoinjectors (2021)
- Epinephrine auto-injectors (2020)
- Epinephrine autoinjectors (2020)
- Epinephrine auto-injector needle length (2020)
- In-vivo diagnostic test allergens in Europe (2020)
- Tissue compression and epinephrine deposition (2019)
- Implications of variation of epinephrine auto-injector needle length (2019)
- Mind the gaps (2019)
- Current practice of allergy diagnosis and the potential impact of regulation in Europe (2018)
- Methodological cutoff of basophil activation test and basophil activation test diagnostic value (2018)
- Pressure, trigger forces, and epinephrine auto-injectors Response (2018)
- Epinephrine auto-injector needle lengths (2018)
- The concept of Histamine Equivalent Allergen Threshold Concentration (2017)
- The history of immunotherapy (2017)
- Current Evidence on Safety and Practical Considerations for Administration of Sublingual Allergen Immunotherapy (SLIT) in the United States (2017)
- Cow's milk protein allergy and common gastrointestinal symptoms in infants (2016)
- Den första svenska Gregoryboxen (2016)
- Evaluation of skin reactivity during (immuno-) therapy (2016)
- Evaluation of changes in skin reactivity by skin prick test titration (2016)
- Do epinephrine auto-injectors have an unsuitable needle length in children and adolescents at risk for anaphylaxis from food allergy? (2016)
- Allergen skin prick test results should be adjusted to the histamine reactivity (2015)
- Evaluation of Allergen Immunotherapy (2015)
- Debates in allergy medicine (2015)
- Evaluation of methods for estimation of threshold concentrations by the skin prick test (2015)
- Auto-injector needle length may be inadequate to deliver epinephrine intramuscularly in women with confirmed food allergy (2015)
- Den svenska barnallergologins födelse (2014)
- Hur ska vi hantera forskningsfusk? (2013)
- Redovisat forskningsfusk bara toppen av isberget? (2013)
- IgE:s historia och betydelse (2013)
- When should adrenaline be given and by whom? (2013)
- The history of pediatric allergy in Europe (2013)
- The risk of allergic reactions to allergen extracts in personnel (2012)
- The management of food allergy in infants with special emphasis on cow’s milk allergy (2012)
- Immunotherapy Is Allergen-Specific (2012)
- Clinical Use of Probiotics in Pediatric Allergy (CUPPA) (2012)
- Barn- och Ungdomsallergologi i Sverige och Europa (2011)