Cecilia Gullberg
Associated Researcher at Department of Business Studies; Guests and others
- E-mail:
- cecilia.gullberg@fek.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
- Academic merits:
- PhD
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My research revolves around managers and their use of accounting information. Accounting information can be seen both as essential to managerial decision making and control, and as somewhat redundant and irrelevant, merely confirming what managers already know about their business. However, in an era of increasingly sophisticated management information systems, e.g., Enterprise Resource Planning systems and Business Intelligence, it is tempting to believe that some of the traditional shortcomings of accounting information, e.g., its untimeliness and one-sided monetary focus, could be overcome. Therefore I am interested in the role of accounting information vis-à-vis other informational resources in managers’ work, and how management information systems afford and constrain the process of being informed. These issues were explored in my licentiate dissertation, which builds on a cross-sectional study covering private, public and non-profit organisations. Some of these ideas were thereafter elaborated in my doctoral dissertation, with novel empirical material from the construction industry. I earned my PhD degree at Uppsala university in 2014, and my licentiate degree at Linköping university in 2011.
As of August 2015 I am a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala university, financed by the Wallander postdoctoral scholarship from Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser. During my postdoc time I will continue to investigate the intersection between management and management accounting, for example different management accounting logics, and performance measurement in knowledge-intensive and complex work.
My teaching experience includes both undergraduate and graduate levels, and covers fields such as management accounting, IT, and organisation. My most recent teaching engagements are the courses "Management, analysis and action", "Management and control" and "Informationsanalys och beslutsstöd ", as well as supervision of master theses.
I have also worked as a project manager at UU Innovation, with particular responsibility for supporting collaboration between researchers and practitioners in the field of welfare and public management.