Petter Ström
Associate senior lecturer/Assistant Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Materials Physics
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 641 21 89
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- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- CV:
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- 0000-0001-9299-3262
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Short presentation
I'm employed as assistant professor in the ion physics group, working with ion-material interactions, ion irradiation, nanostructure formation, energy loss mechanisms, ion beam analysis and instrument development.
My previous work includes plasma-material interaction studies for nuclear fusion, material characterization, modification of low activation steel under irradiation and plasma diagnostics.
Recent publications
- Clearing Up Discrepancies in 2D and 3D Nickel Molybdate Hydrate Structures (2024)
- Charge equilibration and irradiation damage threshold for MeV ions in polyimide (2024)
- Position‐Selective Introduction of Ferromagnetism on the Micro‐ and Nanoscale in a Paramagnetic Thin Palladium Film (2024)
- Magnetic metamaterials by ion-implantation (2024)
- Reactive metal additive manufacturing (2023)
All publications
- Clearing Up Discrepancies in 2D and 3D Nickel Molybdate Hydrate Structures (2024)
- Charge equilibration and irradiation damage threshold for MeV ions in polyimide (2024)
- Position‐Selective Introduction of Ferromagnetism on the Micro‐ and Nanoscale in a Paramagnetic Thin Palladium Film (2024)
- Magnetic metamaterials by ion-implantation (2024)
- Reactive metal additive manufacturing (2023)
- Ion Track Formation and Nanopore Etching in Polyimide (2023)
- Surface characterization of CaF2 crystals irradiated with MeV ions below charge state equilibrium (2023)
- Thin films sputter-deposited from EUROFER97 in argon and deuterium atmosphere (2023)
- From high-entropy alloys to high-entropy ceramics (2023)
- Synthesis of BaZrS3 Perovskite Thin Films at a Moderate Temperature on Conductive Substrates (2022)
- Effect of small cation occupancy and anomalous Griffiths phase disorder in nonstoichiometric magnetic perovskites (2022)
- Nickel Site Modification by High-Valence Doping: Effect of Tantalum Impurities on the Alkaline Water Electro-Oxidation by NiO Probed by Operando Raman Spectroscopy (2022)
- An in-situ ToF-LEIS and AES study of near-surface modifications of the composition of EUROFER97 induced by thermal annealing (2022)
- Synthesis of ferromagnetic thin films and engineering of their magnetic properties by Fe ion implantation in polycrystalline Pd (2022)
- Ion beam tools for nondestructive in-situ and in-operando composition analysis and modification of materials at the Tandem Laboratory in Uppsala (2022)
- Effect of reduced local lattice disorder on the magnetic properties of B-site substituted La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (2021)
- Niobium carbide – nickel-niobium alloy composites from a nickel coated powder (2021)
- In-situ measurement of diffusion and surface segregation of W and Ta in bare and W-coated EUROFER97 during thermal annealing (2021)
- Energy deposition by nonequilibrium charge states of MeV 127I in Au (2021)
- Field induced crossover in critical behaviour and direct measurement of the magnetocaloric properties of La0.4Pr0.3Ca0.1Sr0.2MnO3 (2020)
- Engineering of spin mixing conductance at Ru/FeCo/Ru interfaces (2020)
- Large room temperature relative cooling power in La0.5Pr0.2Ca0.1Sr0.2MnO3 (2020)
- Determination of tungsten sources in the JET-ILW divertor by spectroscopic imaging in the presence of a strong plasma continuum (2019)
- Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall (2019)
- Temperature-dependent in-situ LEIS measurement of W surface enrichment by 250 eV D sputtering of EUROFER (2018)
- Surface oxide and roughness on test samples for the Ultra High Vacuum section of the Laser Heater for the European XFEL (2018)
- Sputtering of polished EUROFER97 steel (2018)
- Review on global migration, fuel retention and modelling after TEXTOR decommission (2018)
- Plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: Progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification (2017)
- Lamb-shift and electric field measurements in plasmas (2017)
- Compositional and morphological analysis of FeW films modified by sputtering and heating (2017)
- Dust Survey Following the Final Shutdown of TEXTOR (2016)
- A combined segmented anode gas ionization chamber and time-of-flight detector for heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis (2016)
- Ion beam analysis of tungsten layers in EUROFER model systems and carbon plasma facing components (2016)
- Electric field induced Lyman-alpha emission of a hydrogen beam for electric field measurements (2015)
- Tracer techniques for the assessment of material migration and surface modification of plasma-facing components (2015)
- Characterisation of surface layers formed on plasma-facing components in controlled fusion devices (2015)
- The 2.5 MeV neutron flux monitor for MAST (2014)
- Probing the high entropy concept through the irradiation response of near-equimolar (CrTiTaWNb)C ceramic coatings