Johan Eddebo
Researcher at Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CRS)
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Short presentation
I hold a Ph.D in Philosophy of Religion. My research involves metaphysics, the nature of consciousness, philosophy of science, epistemology in general, as well as issues of religion and politics. While anchored in the framework of analytical philosophy, I try to approach philosophy broadly, also employing perspectives relating to phenomenology, Medieval thought, and the Aristotelian tradition.
I'm currently involved in the WASP-HS project Artificial Intelligence, Democracy and Human Dignity.
- aristotelianism
- metaphysics
- phenomenology
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of science
Selection of publications
- Artificial Intelligence and Imperceptible Governance via Opinion Formation (2022)
- The Artificial Paradise (2021)
- The Faustian Machine and the Chrome Lotus: On the diversity of perspectives on the metaphysics of artificial intelligence with a particular focus on the contributions of traditional non-Western thought (2021)
- A Study in Chrome (2021)
- Death and the Self (2017)
- Babylon Will Be Found No More (2017)
- Tawḥīd al ’uluhiyya, Secularism, and Political Islam (2014)
Recent publications
- En föga gåtfull spegelbild (2024)
- Cyberpunk and industrial music: dethroning the megatechnics (2024)
- The Bouba/Kiki Effect as Support for Realism and Non-Reductionist Relational Subjectivity through Non-Western and Classical Metaphysics (2024)
- Response to Sam Breslauer: A Theistic Cosmological Theory (2024)
- Automatic Identification of Hate Speech (2024)
All publications
- En föga gåtfull spegelbild (2024)
- The Bouba/Kiki Effect as Support for Realism and Non-Reductionist Relational Subjectivity through Non-Western and Classical Metaphysics (2024)
- Response to Sam Breslauer: A Theistic Cosmological Theory (2024)
- Automatic Identification of Hate Speech (2024)
- The End of Pluralism and the Decline of Soft Power (2024)
- Towards a Definition of Hate Speech (2023)
- The humanity of the non-human (2023)
- Debatt: AI-tekniken riskerar göra oss dummare (2023)
- On Catholicism and Identity Politics (2021)
- The Artificial Paradise (2021)
- The Faustian Machine and the Chrome Lotus: On the diversity of perspectives on the metaphysics of artificial intelligence with a particular focus on the contributions of traditional non-Western thought (2021)
- A Study in Chrome (2021)
- Review of Science and Secularism – Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology by J. P. Moreland (2019)
- Censur hotar – vi har glömt viktiga principer (2018)
- Rapport från konferensen Borders and bridges. Nordic nationalisms and transationalisms (2018)
- Babylon Will Be Found No More (2017)
- Författarna avfärdar postmodernismen på fel grunder (2015)
- En livsåskådningsneutralitet är logiskt omöjlig (2014)
- Tawḥīd al ’uluhiyya, Secularism, and Political Islam (2014)
- Love and money; Why Christianity is incompatible with capitalism (2012)
- Sovereignty of the People or Democracy for the Few? (2012)
- Cyberpunk and industrial music: dethroning the megatechnics (2024)
- Artificial Intelligence and Imperceptible Governance via Opinion Formation (2022)
- Thanatos och längtan bortom livet (2021)
- Intuition och emotion i filosofiskt forskningsarbete (2018)
- Gud bortom kosmos (2016)
- On the Identification and Suppression of Hate Speech in Online Contexts (2023)
- Artificial Intelligence and Human Dignity (2019)
- Worldviews Within Swedish Radical Nationalism (2018)
- On the Regulation of Science by Religion (2014)
- Science, Worldviews and Democracy (2013)