Victoria Karlsson
Affiliated Specialist nurse at Department of Women's and Children's Health; Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Cardiology Research
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- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 UPPSALA
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Selection of publications
- Aspects of neonatal intensive care and anesthesia (2018)
- Poor performance of main-stream capnography in newborn infants during general anesthesia (2017)
- Transcutaneous Pco(2) Monitoring in. Newborn Infants During General Anesthesia Is Technically Feasible (2016)
- Transcutaneousp PCO2 monitoring in newborn infants during general anesthesia is technically feasible (2016)
- Early Skin-to-Skin Care in Extremely Preterm Infants (2012)
- Randomized controlled trial of room air vs. 80% oxygen for induction of neonatal anesthesia: Feasibility and safety
Recent publications
- Randomized controlled trial of low vs high oxygen during neonatal anesthesia (2022)
- Nursing care of infants born extremely preterm (2022)
- The Swedish approach to nurturing extremely preterm infants and their families (2022)
- Physiological Stability in Very Preterm Infants During Skin-to-Skin Contact as Assessed by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (2020)
- Aspects of neonatal intensive care and anesthesia (2018)
All publications
- Randomized controlled trial of low vs high oxygen during neonatal anesthesia (2022)
- Nursing care of infants born extremely preterm (2022)
- The Swedish approach to nurturing extremely preterm infants and their families (2022)
- Physiological Stability in Very Preterm Infants During Skin-to-Skin Contact as Assessed by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (2020)
- Nurse Decision Making and Attitudes About Circuit Disconnection During Ventilator Therapy at a Swedish Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (2018)
- Poor performance of main-stream capnography in newborn infants during general anesthesia (2017)
- Transcutaneous Pco(2) Monitoring in. Newborn Infants During General Anesthesia Is Technically Feasible (2016)
- Transcutaneousp PCO2 monitoring in newborn infants during general anesthesia is technically feasible (2016)
- Early Skin-to-Skin Care in Extremely Preterm Infants (2012)
- Randomized controlled trial of room air vs. 80% oxygen for induction of neonatal anesthesia: Feasibility and safety