Pontus Skråmstadius
IP Advisor at University Administration; Uppsala University Innovation (UU Innovation)
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 78 23
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 167 98 23
- E-mail:
- pontus.skramstadius@uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Innovation Hub Uppsala
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 38 - Postal address:
- Uppsala Science Park
751 83 Uppsala
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
At UU Innovation, we support students and researchers who want to develop an idea or strengthen the value and impact from ressearch outcomes. Our support is free, confidential, and we take no equity.
As IP-advisor at UU Innovation I handle patenting of reasearch results, trademarks, design and copyright.
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