Constanze Eib
Visiting researcher at Department of Psychology; Clinical Psychology
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Short presentation
At Uppsala University, I am employed as Senior Lecturer in Work and Organizational Psychology. I am also employed as researcher at Stockholm University.
My research interests are organizational justice and fairness at work from different perspectives. I also study entrepreneurs (owner-managers, solo self-employed, freelancers), well-being and occupational health.
I am engaged in supervising students and course organizer and lecturer for Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department.
- Docent, Uppsala University (2022)
- PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden (2015) (can be downloaded here:
- Diploma, Heidelberg University, Germany (2010), Major: Work and Organizational Psychology
Selection of academic positions
- Since May 2022 "Universitetslektor" / Senior Lecturer in Work and Organizational Psychology, Uppsala University.
- May 2018 – May 2022 Biträdande universitetslektor in Work and Organizational Psychology, Uppsala University.
- June 2015 – May 2018 Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Organizational Behavior, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia.
- 2011 - 2015 PhD student at Department of Psychology, Stockholm University.
Selection of grants
- Program grant (Fairness for entrepreneurs? Relevance of stakeholders for entrepreneurs’ fairness, associations to health and business success across different time lags and groups of entrepreneurs, PI Claudia Bernhard-Oettel, diarienummer 2021-00916). 2021 FORTE (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare) (3 889 000 SEK)
- Program grant (Employment contracts, job insecurity, unionization, working conditions, work-related attitudes and health among women and men in a flexible labor market, PI Magnus Sverke, diarienummer 2019-01311). 2019 FORTE (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare) (8,700,000 SEK for the first 3 years).
- Project grant (Beyond ill-health – The impact of organizational injustice on withdrawal from work and labor market exit, PI Constanze Leineweber, diarienummer 2017-00259). 2017 Forte (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare) (3,330,000 SEK).
- Project grant (Organizational justice and health: Effects of organizational changes and insecurity over time, PI Constanze Leineweber, diarienummer P13-0905:1). 2013 Styrelsen för Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (2,650,000 SEK).
Reviewer activities
- Editorial Board member for Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health (2021-2023)
- Ad-hoc Reviewer
Selection of departmental activities
- Equal Opportunity Officer (Lika Villkorsombud) for Department of Psychology, Uppsala University (since spring 2019)
Selection of publications
- Act or Wait-and-See? (2023)
- What helps managers being fair? (2022)
- Not All Are Equal (2020)
- Just What I See? (2020)
- The cost of injustice (2019)
- Organizational justice and health (2018)
- Processes of Organizational Justice (2015)
- Don't let it get to you! A moderated mediated approach to the (in)justice-health relationship. (2015)
Recent publications
- Entrepreneurial action and eudaimonic well-being in a crisis (2024)
- What makes employees and managers see eye to eye concerning organizational justice? (2024)
- Organizational Justice and Mental Health (2023)
- Sustainable Return to Work for Workers with Mental Health and Musculoskeletal Conditions (2023)
- Organizational injustice and sickness absence (2023)
All publications
- Entrepreneurial action and eudaimonic well-being in a crisis (2024)
- What makes employees and managers see eye to eye concerning organizational justice? (2024)
- Sustainable Return to Work for Workers with Mental Health and Musculoskeletal Conditions (2023)
- Organizational injustice and sickness absence (2023)
- Act or Wait-and-See? (2023)
- You can't always get what you want (2022)
- What helps managers being fair? (2022)
- Trajectories of Procedural and Interactional Justice as Predictors of Retirement among Swedish Workers (2021)
- The mediating effect of exhaustion in the relationship between effort‐reward imbalance and turnover intentions (2021)
- How do job insecurity and organizational justice relate to depressive symptoms and sleep difficulties (2020)
- Not All Are Equal (2020)
- Trajectories of Effort-Reward Imbalance in Swedish Workers (2020)
- Is interpersonal justice related to group and organizational turnover? (2020)
- Just What I See? (2020)
- Effects of procedural justice on prospective antidepressant medication prescription (2020)
- Is Female Entrepreneurship Only Empowering for Single Women? (2019)
- Sustainable Return to Work (2019)
- Recessionary changes at work and employee well-being (2019)
- The cost of injustice (2019)
- Editorial: (2018)
- Organizational justice and health (2018)
- Can lifestyle preferences help explain the persistent gender gap in academia? The "mothers work less" hypothesis supported for German but not for U.S. early career researchers (2018)
- Interactional justice at work is related to sickness absence (2017)
- The influence of and change in procedural justice on self-rated health trajectories (2016)
- The interaction between organizational justice and job characteristics (2015)
- The interaction between organizational justice and job characteristics (2015)
- Don't let it get to you! A moderated mediated approach to the (in)justice-health relationship. (2015)
- Influence of judges’ behaviors on perceived procedural justice (2014)
- Entwicklung und Validierung einer Skala zum sozialen Exhibitionismus im Internet (SEXI) (2014)
- Organizational Justice and Mental Health (2023)
- Fairness at Work (2021)
- Does it matter if I’m treated fairly at work? (2017)