Vitalii Shtender
Senior research engineer at Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
- Mobile phone:
- +46 73 469 72 61
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- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 35
751 03 UPPSALA
- 0000-0002-8690-9957
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
I joined the BMS group as a research engineer in 2021. My expertise lies in metals and alloys, more specifically in Mg-based materials and their 3D printing.
- additive manufacturing
- alloys
- diffraction
- metal-based biomaterials
- metals
- 2021–present – Research Engineer, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- 2021–2023 – Researcher, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- 2018–2021 – PostDoc, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- 2017–2018 – PostDoc, CMTR-ICMPE-CNRS, France.
- 2015–2017 – Junior Researcher, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
- 2016– PhD in Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.
- 2012–2015 – PhD student, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
- 2010–2012 – Engineer, Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
- 2005–2010 – MSc and BSc in Chemistry, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.
The Biomedical Engineering Division's research is consolidated under four key research themes; precision medicine, sustainability, antimicrobial resistance and data driven life science. My research is focused on sustainability. I am doing 3D-printing metals and their characterization for AM4Life consortium.
AM4Life & VINNOVA (Grant no: 2019-00029)
Recent publications
- Hydrogen production by a fully de novo enzyme (2024)
- Magnetic property changes of NdGa upon hydrogen absorption (2024)
- Hydrogen evolution with hot electrons on a plasmonic-molecular catalyst hybrid system (2024)
- Exploiting hot electrons from a plasmon nanohybrid system for the photoelectroreduction of CO2 (2024)
- Giant magnetocaloric effect in the (Mn,Fe)NiSi-system (2024)
All publications
- Hydrogen production by a fully de novo enzyme (2024)
- Magnetic property changes of NdGa upon hydrogen absorption (2024)
- Hydrogen evolution with hot electrons on a plasmonic-molecular catalyst hybrid system (2024)
- Exploiting hot electrons from a plasmon nanohybrid system for the photoelectroreduction of CO2 (2024)
- Giant magnetocaloric effect in the (Mn,Fe)NiSi-system (2024)
- Origin of the metamagnetic transitions in Y0.9Tb0.1Fe2D4.3 (2024)
- Unusual superconductivity in crystallographically disordered RT2−xSn2 compounds (2024)
- Revisiting the hydrogenation behavior of NdGa and its hydride phases (2024)
- Intermetallics of 4:4:1 and 3:3:1 series in La-(Co,Ni)-M (M = Bi, Pb, Te, Sb, Sn and Ga, Al) systems and their properties (2024)
- La-Ni-Si (2024)
- Site-specific atomic substitution in a giant magnetocaloric Fe2P-type system (2023)
- Giant magnetocaloric effect in the (Mn,Fe)NiSi-system (2023)
- Lan(n+1)+xNin(n+5)+ySi(n+1)(n+2)–z (2023)
- Influence of Mn content on the magnetic properties of the hexagonal Mn (Co,Ge)2 phase (2023)
- TbMgNi4-xCox-(H,D)2 System. II (2023)
- Honeycomb Constructs in the La-Ni Intermetallics (2023)
- Tuning skyrmions in B20 compounds by 4d and 5d doping (2022)
- Effect of small cation occupancy and anomalous Griffiths phase disorder in nonstoichiometric magnetic perovskites (2022)
- Revealing the Magnetic Structure and Properties of Mn(Co,Ge)2 (2022)
- Production of AB5 materials from spent Ni-MH batteries with further tests of hydrogen storage suitability (2022)
- Four ternary silicides in the La-Ni-Si system (2022)
- Impact of the R and Mg on the structural, hydrogenation and magnetic properties of R3-xMgxCo9 (R = Pr, Nd, Tb and Y) compounds (2022)
- Magnetic transitions with magnetocaloric effects near room temperature related to structural transitions in Y0.9Pr0.1Fe2D3.5 deuteride (2021)
- Structural and magnetic properties of new members of the 3:29 phase from the Ce-Fe-Mn system and 1:11 from the Ce-Co-Mn (2021)
- Variants of the X-phase in the Mn-Co-Ge system (2021)
- Influence of nano-VC on the structural and magnetic properties of MnAlC-alloy (2021)
- Data-driven design of a new class of rare-earth free permanent magnets (2021)
- On the properties of the novel CeMgNi2T2 (T = Co, Cu) alloys and their hydrides (2020)
- Osteogenic potential of a calcium phosphate-PLLA composite structure
- Magnetocaloric properties of nonstoichiometric Fe2P-type intermetallics near room temperature
- Magneto-structural coupling strength dependent giant magnetocaloric effect in (Mn,Fe)NiSi-system