Veronica Hermann
PhD student at Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Social Medicine/CHAP
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- Visiting address:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
- Postal address:
- Box 564
751 22 Uppsala
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- adolescent mental health
- dual-factor model for mental health
- mental health problems
- mental well-being
- stigma
Veronica is a trained nurse and midwife. She has previously worked as a manager of the health care services on Gotland. She is currently working as public health strategist in Region Gotland, which she combines with part-time research studies as a PhD-student in the research group Child Health and Parenting (CHAP).
In 2015, the countries that are members of the United Nations agreed on17 global goals for sustainable development. Veronica's work can be related to the pursuit of the following goals:
- Goal 3 Good health and well-being
- Goal 4 Gender equality
- Goal 10 Reduced inequalities
Ongoing research project: Mental health in young people on Gotland
Recent publications
- ”Det är liksom en stor grej som händer just nu i våra liv” (2024)
- How to Analyze Focus Group Interactions – Development of a Coding Scheme (2024)
- Mental health status according to the dual-factor model in Swedish adolescents (2024)
- ‘Feeling down one evening doesn't count as having mental health problems’ (2023)
- Psykisk hälsa, psykisk ohälsa och relaterat stigma (2022)
All publications
- How to Analyze Focus Group Interactions – Development of a Coding Scheme (2024)
- Mental health status according to the dual-factor model in Swedish adolescents (2024)
- ‘Feeling down one evening doesn't count as having mental health problems’ (2023)
- Feeling mentally unwell is the "new normal" (2022)
- Evaluation of a modified version of the Attitudes About Mental Illness and its Treatment instrument: psychometric assessment and attitudes among adolescents in Sweden