Jorrit Mesman
Researcher at Department of Ecology and Genetics; Limnology
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- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 Uppsala
Download contact information for Jorrit Mesman at Department of Ecology and Genetics; Limnology
- 0000-0002-4319-260X
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Short presentation
My research focuses on process-based modelling of physical and biogeochemical processes in lakes, with specific attention for extreme weather events, eutrophication, and climate change. This also involves quality-control, software development, and data handling in the R software. I am currently employed as part of the SMARTLAGOON project, looking at ways to better understand and tackle water quality issues in coastal lagoons.
- climate change
- ecosystem modelling
- extreme weather events
- limnology
2022-2024: Post-doc on the SMARTLAGOON project, Uppsala University
2017-2021: PhD "Assessing future effects on lake ecosystem resilience using data analysis and dynamic modelling". Jointly at the University of Geneva and Uppsala University. Supervisors; Prof. Bas Ibelings, Dr. Stéphane Goyette, Dr. Don Pierson
2015-2017: MSc Earth & Environment, Wageningen University
2012-2015: BSc Soil, Water, Atmosphere, Wageningen University
Recent publications
- Timing of spring events changes under modelled future climate scenarios in a mesotrophic lake (2024)
- Application of an integrated catchment-lake model approach for simulating effects of climate change on lake inputs and biogeochemistry (2023)
- Prediction of algal blooms via data-driven machine learning models (2023)
- Hacking Limnology Workshops and DSOS23 (2023)
- Spatial and temporal variability in summertime dissolved carbon dioxide and methane in temperate ponds and shallow lakes (2023)
All publications
- Timing of spring events changes under modelled future climate scenarios in a mesotrophic lake (2024)
- Application of an integrated catchment-lake model approach for simulating effects of climate change on lake inputs and biogeochemistry (2023)
- Prediction of algal blooms via data-driven machine learning models (2023)
- Hacking Limnology Workshops and DSOS23 (2023)
- Spatial and temporal variability in summertime dissolved carbon dioxide and methane in temperate ponds and shallow lakes (2023)
- Lake surface water temperature and oxygen saturation resistance and resilience following extreme storms (2023)
- Ensemble of models shows coherent response of a reservoir's stratification and ice cover to climate warming (2022)
- Classifying Mixing Regimes in Ponds and Shallow Lakes (2022)
- Drivers of phytoplankton responses to summer wind events in a stratified lake (2022)
- Hacking Limnology Workshop and DSOS22 (2022)
- Phytoplankton responses to repeated pulse perturbations imposed on a trend of increasing eutrophication (2022)
- Antecedent lake conditions shape resistance and resilience of a shallow lake ecosystem following extreme wind storms (2022)
- The role of internal feedbacks in shifting deep lake mixing regimes under a warming climate (2021)
- The AEMON-J “Hacking Limnology” Workshop Series & Virtual Summit (2021)
- LakeEnsemblR (2021)
- Cyanobacterial blooms in oligotrophic lakes (2021)
- Early warning signals of regime shifts for aquatic systems (2021)
- Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change (2021)
- Performance of one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake models during short-term extreme weather events (2020)
- Analysis of summer heat budget of lakes under a changing climate across a geographic gradient