Åsa Muntlin

Adjunct senior lecturer at Department of Medical Sciences; Clinical Epidemiology

+46 18 611 01 76
Visiting address:
Akademiska sjukhuset, Ingång 40, 5 tr
751 85 Uppsala
Postal address:
Akademiska sjukhuset, Ingång 40, 5 tr
751 85 UPPSALA

Short presentation

My focus is clinical research within the field of pain management, knowledge translation, fundamentals of care, patient experiences and care processes through the lens of emergency care. I’m an Associated Professor, Registered Nurse and CNS (Emergency Care). Head of Research at the Department of Emergency Care and Internal Medicine at Uppsala University Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden, but also working as a RN in the ED. I'm involved in national and international research projects.


  • acute abdominal pain
  • care processes
  • emergency care
  • fundamentals of care
  • knowledge translation
  • pain managment
  • patient safety
  • quality of care



Research areas

Health Services Research

Emergency care

Fundamentals of Care

Quality improvement


Patient experiences

Knowledge translation

Pain management

Present research

SMAAPP research program (Seamless management of patients seeking care for acute abdominal pain - a person-centred approach). A Sweden - Australia joint research programme.

Smärtans väg i vården ‐ ett plattformsbygge för patientgenererad data om smärta [in Swedish]. (webb-based platform construction, patient-generated data)

Predicting admission in Australian and Swedish hospitals: an individualised prospective approach. Collaboration: Hospitals in Sweden and Australia

Främjande faktorer för arbetsmotivation vid en akutvårdsverksamhet. [in Swedish]. (work motivation, emergency care)

Cancer survivors experiences of the fundamentals of care. Collaboration: School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia and Department of Neurobiology, care sciences and society, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Finished projects

Heel protection for pressure ulcer prevention – from ambulance to discharge. A randomized controlled trial. Collaboration with: County councils and universities in Uppsala and Varmland.

Patients with acute abdominal pain – from the emergency de-partment to the surgical ward: what makes a difference to achieve patient participation, high quality nursing care and safe care transitions? This pilot project is part of a multidisciplinary research program (SMAAPP research program) in collaboration between researchers and clinicians in Australia and in Sweden.

Teamwork in the emergency department: Efficiency, patient safety, patient satisfaction and personnel work climate (TEPPP-study). Collaboration: Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala University, Karolinska Institut/LIME and Stockholm University

The Future Shape of the Nursing Workforce: A Synthesis of the Evidence of Factors that Impact on Quality Nursing Care. Commissioned research: Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government. Collaboration: School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Nursing Futures Group and Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Governmenton Quality Nursing Care. Commissioned research: Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government. Collaboration: School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Nursing Futures Group and Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Government

Stroke survivors experiences of the fundamentals of care. Publication. Collaboration: School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia and researchers from UK.

On-site determination of breath alcohol in emergency care patients. Collaboration: Höök Instrument, Uppsala University, Uppsala University Hospital, and Södersjukhuset, Stockholm.

Fundamentals of Care & Us (FOCUS). Collaboration: School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia and Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, Adelaide, Australia

Clinical Handover - Action through Observations - CHAO study. Collaboration: School of Nursing, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia and Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia

Identifying and Improving Quality of Care at an Emergency Department: Patient and healthcare professional perspectives. Doctoral student project.


Continuously teaching in the Registered Nurse Programme and the Specialist Nurse Programme (prehospital emergency care). Supervising students for degree projects (Bachelor- and Master- level).



School of Nursing Inaugural Eleanor Harrald Post Doctoral Fellowship, University of Adelaide, Australia, September 2012

Karin Olsson Scholarship, Swedish Association of Health Professionals, Sweden, 2006


Recent publications

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