Erik Nylander
Lecturer at Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences; Research; Neuropharmacology and biological addiction research
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- +46 18 471 44 96
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- Biomedicinskt centrum BMC, Husargatan 3
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- Box 591
751 24 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
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Jag har en doktorsexamen i farmakologi och är i grunden legitimerad apotekare. Jag leder och föreläser på kurser inom farmakologi och biologisk beroendelära vid Uppsala universitet. År 2019 försvarade jag min avhandling, som handlade om tillväxthormons gynnsamma effekter på opioidskadade nervceller. Min forskning har bland annat fokuserat på opioiders effekter på nervceller i hjärnan, och jag bedriver fortfarande forskning vid sidan av min undervisning.
Recent publications
- Revisiting Opioid Toxicity (2024)
- Inhibition of IRAP Enhances the Expression of Pro-Cognitive Markers Drebrin and MAP2 in Rat Primary Neuronal Cells (2024)
- The decanoate esters of nandrolone, testosterone, and trenbolone induce steroid specific memory impairment and somatic effects in the male rat (2024)
- Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Toxicity Is Reversed by the Macrocyclic IRAP-Inhibitor HA08 in Primary Hippocampal Cell Cultures (2022)
- Nandrolone decanoate and testosterone undecanoate differently affect stress hormones, neurotransmitter systems, and general activity in the male rat (2022)
All publications
- Revisiting Opioid Toxicity (2024)
- Inhibition of IRAP Enhances the Expression of Pro-Cognitive Markers Drebrin and MAP2 in Rat Primary Neuronal Cells (2024)
- The decanoate esters of nandrolone, testosterone, and trenbolone induce steroid specific memory impairment and somatic effects in the male rat (2024)
- Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Toxicity Is Reversed by the Macrocyclic IRAP-Inhibitor HA08 in Primary Hippocampal Cell Cultures (2022)
- Nandrolone decanoate and testosterone undecanoate differently affect stress hormones, neurotransmitter systems, and general activity in the male rat (2022)
- Assessing Cell Viability Effects of Opioids in Primary Cortical Cells from Rat. (2021)
- The effects of morphine, methadone, and fentanyl on mitochondria (2021)
- Structurally different anabolic androgenic steroids reduce neurite outgrowth and neuronal viability in primary rat cortical cell cultures (2021)
- Growth hormone increases dendritic spine density in primary hippocampal cell cultures (2020)
- Toxic Impact of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids in Primary Rat Cortical Cell Cultures (2019)
- Expression and regulation of CYP17A1 and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in cells of the nervous system (2018)
- The Protective and Restorative Effects of Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 on Methadone-Induced Toxicity In Vitro (2018)
- Binding to and Inhibition of Insulin-Regulated Aminopeptidase (IRAP) by Macrocyclic Disulfides Enhances Spine Density (2016)
- Aryl Sulfonamide Inhibitors of Insulin-Regulated Aminopeptidase Enhance Spine Density in Primary Hippocampal Neuron Cultures (2016)
- The neurobiology and addiction potential of anabolic androgenic steroids and the effects of growth hormone (2016)
- Growth hormone is protective against acute methadone-induced toxicity by modulating the NMDA receptor complex (2016)
- Mitochondrial function and membrane integrity: an in vitro comparison between six commonly used opioids