Philip Kappen

Professor (leave of absence) at Department of Business Studies; Professors, teachers, researchers

Visiting address:
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, ingång C
751 20 UPPSALA
Postal address:
Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Leave of absence:
2022-08-01 -
Academic merits:
PhD, Docent


Dr. Philip Kappen is Professor of international business at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University. Between 2013-2016 he was Associate Professor of strategy and international management at Copenhagen Business School. Dr. Kappen has been a visiting scholar at Columbia University, Rutgers University and Temple University.

His research is concerned with the management of innovation and innovation diffusion within established corporations, with a specific focus on the strategic role of headquarters in the contemporary diversified firm. He has published in top-ranked journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Long Range Planning and Journal of World Business.

Dr. Kappen serves as a member of the editorial review board at the Journal of International Business Studies and the Global Strategy Journal and is a member of the European International Business Association, the Academy of International Business, the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society.

Teaching Area

Managing the growing firm
Supervision of students at the PhD and Master levels.

Research Area

Innovation development and diffusion
Strategy and management of the multinational corporation
Headquarters role in the firm

Selected Publications

Håkanson, L., Kappen, P. (2017) The 'casino model' of internationalization: An alternative Uppsala paradigm. Journal of International Business Studies.

Nell, P.C., Kappen, P., Laamanen, T. (2017) Reconceptualising hierarchies: The disaggregation and dispersion of headquarters in multinational corporations. Journal of Management Studies.

Blomkvist, K., Kappen, P., Zander, I. (2017). Gone are the creatures of yesteryear? On the diffusion of technological capabilities in the 'modern' MNC. Journal of World Business, 52(1):1-16.

Blomkvist, K., Kappen, P., Zander, I. (2014). Superstar inventors - Towards a people-centric perspective on the geography of technological renewal in the multinational corporation. Research Policy, 43(4): 669-682

Dellestrand, H., Kappen, P. (2012). The effects of spatial and contextual factors on headquarters resource allocation to MNE subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies, 43(3): 219-243

Ciabuschi, F., Dellestrand, H., Kappen, P. (2012). The good, the bad, and the ugly: technology transfer competence, rent-seeking, and bargaining power. Journal of World Business, 47(4): 664-674

Kappen, P. (2011). Competence-creating overlaps and subsidiary technological evolution in the multinational corporation. Research Policy, 40(5): 673-686

Blomkvist, K., Kappen, P., Zander, I. (2010). Quo Vadis?: The entry into new technologies in advanced foreign subsidiaries of the multinational enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(9): 1525-1549


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Philip Kappen

