Henrik Dellestrand

Academic merits:
PhD, Docent, Excellent Teacher
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Henrik Dellestrand researches innovation in multinational enterprises, as well as headquarter-subsidiary relationships. Moreover, he is working on issues related to the organization of global value chains, internationalization, innovation ecosystems and platform technologies, decision-making, and the boundaries of organizations operating with a global footprint.

Henrik teaches international management and strategy, innovation, and research methods.

‪Henrik Dellestrand‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬


  • global strategy
  • headquarters
  • innovation development and transfer
  • multinational enterprises (mnes)
  • subsidiaries


Henrik Dellestrand is a Professor of International Business at the Department of Business Studies and has been affiliated with the International Business research group since September 2006 when he started his doctoral studies. He completed his Ph.D. in 2010, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014, and full Professor in 2023. He was appointed as a Distinguished University Teacher in 2021. He is the 2023 recipient of the Uppsala University Distinguished Teaching Award within the field of Social Sciences and Law.

Dr. Dellestrands' research interests are related to management issues within the multinational enterprise as well as how multinational enterprises operate in host markets. A lot of his research makes use of innovations as a point of departure for analyzing structures and processes within firms.

His research is concerned with the role and function of headquarters, and headquarter-subsidiary relationships. Furthermore, he is looking at the value-added role of the parent within the multinational enterprise. Currently, he is working on a project concerning knowledge, learning and headquarters role and functions. Another project concerns how digitalization affects the management of the multinational enterprise and the boundaries internal and external to organizations operating with a global footprint. Other areas of interest include the performance implications of innovations, global value chains, innovation ecosystems and digital platforms, and how innovations are developed and assessed by different actors inside and outside the multinational enterprise. Currently, he is also embarking on sustainability research related to sustainable competitive advantage with particular emphasis placed on innovations and business models. Furthermore, he is interested in - and doing research about - the application of quantitative methods in management.

Dr. Dellestrand earned his Ph.D. in 2010 with a focus on International Business from Uppsala University. His thesis was awarded the Barry M. Richman best thesis award from the International Management Division at the Academy of Management Meeting in 2011. Dr. Dellestrands dissertation was concerned with headquarters role in subsidiary level activities and what factors make headquarters involve itself in subsidiary projects. He was also a finalist for the Richard N. Farmer dissertation award at the Academy of International Business in 2011. Moreover, his thesis received third prize in the 2011 EDAMBA doctoral thesis competition. For his thesis work, Dr. Dellestrand was awarded a Wallander post-doctoral research scholarship by Handelsbankens research foundation.

In 2014-2015 he served as a representative-at-large for the Global Strategy Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society. Henrik also serves as a research committee member for the International Management Division at the Academy of Management since 2014.

He has acted as an expert for the U.N. related to the World Investment Report (UNCTAD).

Google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.se/citations?user=knysrXcAAAAJ&hl=sv

Research Projects

  1. Transfer of Innovations in Multinational Enterprises (TIME).
  2. Does Headquarters Contribute to Sub-unit Innovation in the Multinational Corporation? - The Problem of Learning and Knowledge.
  3. Managing Boundary Spanning in the Digital Age within Multinational Corporations.
  4. CEO Risk-Tolerance and Firm Internationalization Patterns.
  5. The Innovation Ecosystem of Born-Digitals and the Development of Complements.

Editorial and Reviewer Service

Dr. Dellestrand currently serves on the editorial review boards of Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business, and Journal of International Management.

He was awarded the JIBS best reviewer award in 2012.

Guest editor for the Journal of International Management, 18(3): Special issue on the role and functions of MNC headquarters.

Dr. Dellestrand acts as a journal ad hoc reviewer for - amongst others - the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Journal of International Management, International Marketing Review, Management International Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Strategy and Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Scandinavian Journal of Management, and the British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Dr. Dellestrand has assessed research grant applications for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Moreover, he has reviewed book manuscripts for MIT Press (Economics, Finance, and Business area), SAGE, and Oxford University Press.

He also regularly reviews for international conferences such as the Strategic Management Society, Academy of International Business, Academy of Management, Academy of International Business UK & Ireland, British Academy of Management, and the European International Business Academy.

Visiting Positions

Dr. Dellestrand spent four months as a visiting researcher at the Centre for International Business University of Leeds (CIBUL) between November 2008 and February 2009.

Between October 2009 and February 2010 he was a visiting researcher at the Strategic Management department at Temple University in Philadelphia.


Thesis Awards:

  • Winner of the 2011 Barry M. Richman Best Dissertation Award (IM Division, AOM).
  • Finalist for the 2011 Richard N. Farmer Best Dissertation Award (AIB).
  • Third prize in the EDAMBA 2011 thesis competition.

Paper Awards:

  • Winner of the SMS St.Gallen Best Conference Paper Proposal Award, St.Gallen, Switzerland, May 28-30, 2015.
  • Nominated for the Haynes Prize at the 2013 AIB conference.
  • Nominated for the "That's Interesting" award at the 2012 AIB conference.
  • Winner of the Robert H. Schaffer Award for the Best Paper in Applied International Management at the 2011 AoM conference.
  • Finalist for the IM Division Best Paper Award in Strategy/IB Theory at the 2011 AoM conference.
  • Nominated for the Haynes Prize at the 2011 AIB conference.
  • Best paper award at the 25th British Academy of Management Conference, International Business Track, 2011.
  • Awarded the Michael Z. Brooke Prize at the AIB UK & Ireland conference 2009.
  • Awarded the Copenhagen Prize (together with Philip Kappen) at the 2008 EIBA conference.
  • Nominated for the Haynes Prize at the 2008 AIB conference.


  • Best reviewer award at the Academy of Management Conference, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA., U.S., August 4-8, 2017.
  • Best reviewer award at the Academy of Management Conference, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA., U.S., August 1-5, 2014.
  • Best reviewer award at the 33rd Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, Global Strategy Interest Group, Atlanta, GA., U.S., September 28-October 1, 2013.
  • Best reviewer award at the Academy of Management Conference, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Orlando, FL., U.S., August 9-13, 2013.
  • JIBS 2012 Best Reviewer Award.
  • Best reviewer award at the 54th AIB Annual Conference, Washington, U.S., June 30-July 3, 2012.
  • Best reviewer award at the Academy of Management Conference, International Management Division, Academy of Management, Boston, M.A., U.S., August 4-7, 2012.
  • Best reviewer award at the 34th EIBA Annual Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, December 11-13, 2008.


Dr. Dellestrand has taught international business, strategic management, innovation, knowledge management, marketing and organization, and research methods at the bachelor and master levels in Sweden, Finland, France, Portugal, and Italy.

He is the 2023 recipient of the Uppsala University Distinguished Teaching Award within the field of Social Sciences and Law. The motivation for the award reads as follows:

"Professor Henrik Dellestrand at the Department of Business Studies has been awarded the 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award in Law and Social Sciences. Dellestrand is a highly esteemed teacher with a broad competence profile. His teaching is permeated by a genuine interest in the field of economics and an ambition to pique the curiosity of students. He often uses innovative teaching tools, which helps ensure that the teaching is suitable for students’ varying learning processes. By interspersing theory and practice, students gain theoretical knowledge as well as contextual understanding. His solid commitment to the subject has given his teaching a special depth that is greatly appreciated by his students and that has enriched the department’s teaching development."


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Henrik Dellestrand

