Stefan Bengtsson
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Education
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 62 62
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- Von Kraemers allé 1 A
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 2136
750 02 Uppsala
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More about me on ResearchGate:
- education
- esdeve007
- learning
- sustainable development
Stefan Bengtsson (associate professor) is a senior lecturer of didactics at the department of education (Uppsala University) and his research is focusing on issues of sustainability in education, didactics (curriculum theory), comparative education, and analysis of teaching and instruction. During the period 2015-2018 he has been national coordinator for ESD in Sweden and link convenor (chair) for the Environmental and Sustainability Education network of the European Education Research Association during the period 2018 to 2023. In parallel to his academic work, he has been providing technical assistance to international efforts to address sustainability and gender issues in education, in particular in the East and South-East Asian context.
My work is focused on understanding the conditions of possibility of change in and through education and learning. In efforts to give meaning to these conditions, I have been drawing on critical curriculum studies (Englund, Popkewitz), political theory (Laclau), and especially continental philosophy (Derrida, Foucault). In my latest work, I focus on reconceiving the conditions of learning and education in the context of the Anthropocene, aiming to translate the realist ontology of Object-oriented Ontology (Harman, Morton) into an educational context. My analytical work is focused on a qualitative analysis of educational processes as well as education policy. In particular, I have worked with post-foundational comparative education research policy analysis.
Current and past research projects:
- The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Project 2019- (MECCE):
- SUSTEMO (2024-2027) - Generating or restricting change for sustainability transitions: A didactic study of the effects of emotions in sustainability-related learning processes:
- Science Education for Action and Engagement toward Sustainability 2019-2022 (SEAS):
- Towards Climate Friendly Vacation Practices 2021-2023 (CliFVac):
- The t-learning transformative knowledge network 2016-2019 (Social Science Council):
- Mapping Education for Sustainability in the Nordic Countries 2018-2019 (MESIN):
National -
- Sedvänjor i undervisning om kontroversiella hållbarhetsfrågor 2018-2022 (VR):
- Open schooling for sustainable cities and communities 2018-2021 (FORMAS)
Dark Pedagogy Podcast:
Selection of publications
- Report on the symposium “speculative realism in environmental education and the philosophy of education” (2024)
- Positioning controversy in environmental and sustainability education (2024)
- Fiction Science and the Role of Theory in ESE (2023)
- Irony and environmental education (2023)
- A didactic toolkit for climate change educators (2023)
- Didaktiken efter idealismen (2022)
- Action Incontinence (2022)
- What can we learn from COVID-19 as a form of public pedagogy? (2021)
- Mapping Education for Sustainability in the Nordic Countries (2021)
- Care ethics to develop computing and engineering education for sustainability (2020)
- Engaging with the Beyond-Diffracting Conceptions of T-Learning (2019)
- Dark Pedagogy (2019)
- Outlining an Education Without Nature and Object-Oriented Learning (2018)
- Aporias, politics of ontology, ethics, and “we”? (2016)
- Hegemony and the politics of policy making for education for sustainable development (2016)
- Globalisation and Education for Sustainable Development (2016)
- Beyond Education and Society (2014)
- Globalisation and Education for Sustainable Development (2013)
Recent publications
- Report on the symposium “speculative realism in environmental education and the philosophy of education” (2024)
- Critical education for sustainable development (2024)
- Positioning controversy in environmental and sustainability education (2024)
- Under the Influence (2023)
- Fiction Science and the Role of Theory in ESE (2023)
All publications
- Report on the symposium “speculative realism in environmental education and the philosophy of education” (2024)
- Critical education for sustainable development (2024)
- Positioning controversy in environmental and sustainability education (2024)
- Irony and environmental education (2023)
- A didactic toolkit for climate change educators (2023)
- Didaktiken efter idealismen (2022)
- Lärarstudenters ämnesdidaktiska reflektioner i geografi, historia, religion och samhällskunskap (2022)
- What can we learn from COVID-19 as a form of public pedagogy? (2021)
- Dark pedagogy (2020)
- Engaging with the Beyond-Diffracting Conceptions of T-Learning (2019)
- Aporias, politics of ontology, ethics, and “we”? (2016)
- Hegemony and the politics of policy making for education for sustainable development (2016)
- Globalisation and Education for Sustainable Development (2016)
- Globalisation and Education for Sustainable Development (2013)
- Action Incontinence (2022)
- The Pluriversity for Stuck Humxns (2021)
- A pedagogy of vulnerability (2019)
- Death (2019)
- Outlining an Education Without Nature and Object-Oriented Learning (2018)
- Under the Influence (2023)
- Fiction Science and the Role of Theory in ESE (2023)
- Locating the Controversial in Environmental and Sustainability Education (2022)
- Immersion and ritual in Object-Oriented Didactics and Sensuous Learning (2021)
- Care ethics to develop computing and engineering education for sustainability (2020)
- Transgressive learning (2019)
- Dark Pedagogy, Environmental Melancholia and an Eco-social Philosophy of Education (2019)
- Object-Oriented Didactics (2019)
- The Inherent Excess of Education (2019)